On Top of the World

Do you know you're unlike any other?

"Why is the line so damn long?" I asked, kicking the dashboard because I was getting so aggravated.

"Calm down honey, it's only 8:30. Martin probably isn't even awake yet, so hold your horses," my mother said, giving me a look that told me I was being pitiful. I sighed, and continued to glance out the window towards the big hospital building in the distance. At that moment, I felt my phone begin to vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed for it in such a rush, hoping to get to it before whoever it was hung up.

"Good morning, Frankie," came Martin's cheery voice from the other end.

"Aww, good morning. How are you feeling today?"

"Well, I feel like I'm on top of the world," he replied, an obvious smile in his voice.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I asked, also grinning. I could just imagine him sitting there with his phone attached to his ear, a broad, gorgeous smile on his face, spiky hair protruding in every direction. My heart melted at just the thought.

"Well, for one I'm getting out of this place as we speak. My mom is just signing the papers and then I'm free," he replied, as I felt my heart literally skipping a beat. Martin was getting released today? What did this mean for our plans?

"That's great," I replied weakly, trying my best to sound enthusiastic.

"Oh, it's very great," he replied, that smile still evident in his voice. "She's already running late for work, so she's dropping me off at home and that's it. That means I get to spend the entire day with just you, Frankie." I felt like my heart was about to explode in my chest. Not just was I getting to spend the day with Martin, but a day alone with Martin? Today was working out even better than I had thought..

"Where are you right now?"

His question made me snap back to earth. "Oh, my mom and I are just getting Starbucks right quick. I'm glad you're on the phone, I was just going to pick something random for you, but now I don't have to guess. Is there anything in particular that you want?"

"Thanks Frank, that's so sweet of you, but I'm not much of a coffee fan. I sure appreciate the offer though," he replied sweetly.

"Oh, okay," I said, glad I didn't get him what I was originally going to pick for him. "Well, where do you want me to go until you get home?"

My mom raised an eyebrow to this, and my stomach dropped to the pit of my stomach. What if she wouldn't agree to letting me go to Martin's if she knew it was me and him hanging out all alone?

"Well... there's this park like a block away from my house. If you want, you can wait there and I'll come meet you. I'm telling you, the second I get home I'll rush right over, okay? It should take no more than twenty minutes or so," he replied, slightly hushed into the phone now. I could tell he was trying to whisper. "I have to go Frank, I'll text you the directions, okay? See you soon."

With that, the line went dead and my mind whizzed in so many different directions at this new development of plans. I sat there with the phone clutched in my hands, biting my lip nervously as I feared what my mother would say about me spending the day absolutely alone with Martin. Before, we'd be at a hospital and under plenty of supervision, obviously we couldn't do much with all the nurses and doctors buzzing around. But now, we were basically on our own...

"Frankie, what do you want?"

Her words broke the trance I had, and I grinned weakly at her. "My usual, and get Martin that... White Chocolate thing that you like, you know, the one with the creme base?"

She smiled at this, and muttered, "I knew this kid had great taste."

She then proceeded to order, and I couldn't help but feel extra jittery as I gathered the courage to tell her about the change of plans. My phone vibrated again, signifying Martin finally sent me directions on where to go next.

"Branch Brook Park, by the swings closest to the soccer field. See you soon, cutiepie <3"

My mom handed me my drink, but I was too nervous to drink it just yet. Within seconds we pulled away from the drive-through window, and were on our way towards the hospital. "Um, mom? Martin got released from the hospital this morning. Can I still go hang out with him? Please?"

She raised another eyebrow at me, giving that motherly sigh that clearly told me my answer. "And where do you intend to hang out at, Frank?"

"At the park," I replied, grinning because this plan actually seemed rather harmless. She gave another sigh, followed by a small smile. "I guess, Frank.."

The butterflies began to dance around quite fiercely in my stomach, as the realization that today was offially going to be an amazing day.


My mom dropped me off at the park about ten minutes later, and I made my way over to the swings like Martin had said for me to. I sat down on one of the swings and surveyed the park around me, noticing it was quite dead for a Wednesday morning. Besides the occasional jogger, I guess not many people came here around this time, considering they were probably at school or at work.

As I began to sway on my swing, I smiled, realizing how lucky I am to have such a kickass mom. Considering how big a flaming little cupcake I am, she never disowned me, or looked down on me for one second. She was overly accepting of me when I came out to her, and has been ever since. Now, she's letting her fifteen-year-old-son-that's-soon-to-be-sixteen-in-two-months skip school to hang out with some random boy he happens to have a crush on. I took a nice, long sip of my caramel frappuchino thingy, sighing as I realized they were melting quite a bit. I'd wanted to wait for Martin to drink mine, but seeing as he still had yet to make an appearance I figured I may as well start.

My eyes darted from the rusted chain of the swing towards a figure making his way toward me in the distance, my heartbeat instantly increasing in speed when I realized it was Martin, his good hand in his hoodie pocket as he chewed on the string of said striped hoodie. He had his left hang wrapped in a sling, which I took as a good sign, considering had it been badly injured it would be resting in a cast instead.

For some odd reason, I stayed on my swing, and couldn't do anything but watch as the most gorgeous boy I'd ever laid eyes walked closer and closer towards me. When he finally reached me, he leant down to plant a soft kiss on my cheek. I closed my eyes and hugged him closely, his breath ghosting over my skin ever-so-slightly as I let him go.

"Hi Frank," he greeted me, the feeling of his lips lingering even after he had removed them.

"Hi," I muttered, feeling a blush of pink rush over my cheeks as a great big smile landed across my face. "Here," I mentioned quickly, handing him his drink. "I got you something anyway. It isn't coffee, so I figured you might like it."

"Aww, thank you, Frankie," he replied, smiling sweetly at me as he placed one of his long, famously tight skinny jean clad legs across the swing to the right of me, so that he now had one leg resting on either side of the swing, facing me. He took a sip of his beverage while staring at me the entire time, his eyes lighting up and face breaking into a satisfied smile. "Mmm," he replied, obviously liking what he just tasted. "This is really, really good.."

"I'm glad you like it," I grinned at him, watching as he leaned against the chain of the swing, holding it with his good hand as his drink rested in between his legs. He quickly leaned his swing closer to me, and placed another soft, sweet kiss on my cheek as he whispered in my ear, "I'm glad you like me."

His words sent shivers down my spine, and I suddenly felt my head turn upwards just slightly, so that my lips were gliding towards his, and before I knew it, my lips were pressed gently against his smile, as we sat there on our swings, sharing perhaps the sweetest, most perfect kiss anyone can ever hope to have.

"Wow," he whispered once he pulled away, our fingers immediately becoming entwined as I gazed longingly at him as he returned the same starry-eyed gaze at me. I loved how he looked at me with such a glitter in his eye..

The only thing that distracted me from my current peaceful position of getting to know every curve of the object of my affection's face and every shade of blue in his eyes, a big van pulled up and half a dozen kids piled out of it, complete with two women wearing very long skirts that shot Martin and I very disapproving looks.

Martin burst out laughing at their intrusion, which caused me to giggle as well. The kids were crowding around now, shrieking and acting like they'd just escaped from the freaking zoo.

Martin pulled my swing close to his again, and leaned in my ear once more, nuzzling my face with his. ''How about we go back to my house? It's only a short walk from here,'' he suggested, kissing me just as soft, if not softer than before. He still sent shivers down my spine, whether he brushed his fingers somehow against my skin, or his lips, or simply gave me that look that told me I was obviously the object of his affection as well.

''Gladly,'' I replied, hopping up off my swing, helping Martin out of his as he continued to sip on his mocha creme thingy. He placed one arm around my lower back, allowing his finger to become hooked to my front belt loop, which allowed him to hold me extra close to him. Needless to say, I wasn't complaining. I even got brave enough to do the same to him..

''So Frankie,'' he began, as I leaned up to look at him, giving him my full attention.

''So Martin,'' I responded back, which made us both giggle.

Martin wasn't lying when he said he lived around the corner from the park - we turned the corner and found ourselves on a street lined with fancy looking houses. I wondered which one was his...

''I'm just going to throw this out there, I'm really not very good at this, because I've never been so interested in anybody before,'' he admitted shyly, giving me a lopsided grin. I simply rested my hand on his waist, and began to mindlessly play with the fabric of his very thin striped hoodie. I have to admit, seeing him dressed like this was a much better look for him than that stupid letterman jacket.

''What is it you want to know?''

''Well, I feel like I know you already, like... I know how your lips feel on mine, and how you feel when I have you in my arms, that much I've damn near memorized," he said softly, his grin still very shy yet very sincere. His words made me fall tighter into his half embrace, as he continued, "I want to know all of you, I mean - all about you. What makes you smile, what makes you sad, what bands you're into, everything.."

My smile grew even bigger than before, and that warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach refused to go away. I couldn't believe someone like him was interested in simple little things about someone like me.

I then blushed slightly, realizing I had been staring up at him with what I'm sure was a very dopey looking grin on my face. ''Well, I wanna know everything about you, too,''
I replied, trying to take the focus completely off of me.

''Well its a good thing we have the whole rest of the day to figure each other out,'' he said, shooting me another gorgeous smile as we continued our way towards his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Me & Joey Jordison's new hotness: Crash.

And even though this is super-long overdue...
Happy belated birthday, KranK!
I've been promising this chapter for her since her birthday which was like, the beginning of June. I meant to do it for that last update, but it was terribly unworthy of a birthday dedication, so I sure hope this one works out okay. Nothing says "I <3 you" like a nice chapter full of boys kissing! Haha, <3