When You Wish Upon a Star


~Sophie's Point Of View~

The MTV 'NEXT' marathon ended at 7pm.

By then, I had finished my homework for all of my classes, outlined some of the upcoming chapters for my major classes, and started to write an essay for my English class that wasn't even due for three weeks.

It was simple to say I was bored.

Usually, David and I hang out after school, but today he was busy doing something else.

I stayed up late, really late, just waiting for David to call me and give me all the details of his day.

He promised he would.

All I had to do was wait.

But all of this waiting is killing me.

. . .And putting me to sleep.

The last time I glanced at the clock it was nearly 2am.

The next thing I knew, my alarm was going off at 7:30am.

The first thing I did was check my cell phone.

No voicemails.

No text messages.

No missed calls.

He never called me.

That idiot.

He didn't call me.

I can't believe he didn't call me.

He always calls me.

Every night.

So its not like he just freakin' forgot.

He probably fell asleep.

The stupid idiot.

I sighed as I picked up my cell phone.

He better be ready for some serious apologizing.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

Four rings.



That idiot.

I ended the call and threw the phone on my bed.

Might as well just get ready to walk to school.

No matter what, I'm gonna see him at school.


I took a shower, got dressed, grabbed something to eat, and began to walk to school.


It was freakin' cold this morning.

I zipped up my jacket all the way and popped on my hood.


Now I'm just a bit warmer.

But just a bit.

Usually, it would take me about 15 minutes to walk to school.

But today I did it in about 11 minutes.

Being I was walking a bit faster to get out of the cold a bit quicker.

When I arrived to school, there was only about 10 minutes before class was supposed to start.

I was about to enter the campus when I heard a car horn honk.

I decided to wait and see what idiot wanted attention.

But I was shocked when I saw David's car pull into the student parking lot and snagged Ruby's 'claimed' spot.

At first, I thought it was because he was mad at her or something.

Maybe things didn't go how we had planned and he didn't make it 'in' and now he was just showing her how much he really cared about the whole thing.

It would be something we could laugh about later.

But then the passenger door opened and Ruby stepped out.

I. Don't. Believe. It.