I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

"So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed."

After the show was over and the makeup was off we were back on the road, Eating or drinking like usual. I was extremely exhausted after this show so I was practically falling asleep leaning against the fridge. Jake and Jinxx were playing cards and drinking beer at the table. Ashley was already on his fifth beer. I was jolted awake as the bus swerved to the left. We all grabbed onto something trying to keep balance.

Then I was going forward as the bus driver slammed on his brakes. Ashley yelled, “What the fuck?”

Suddenly the bus stopped and the doors opened. The bus driver gasped, “Oh my god. What did I do?”

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. What do you mean, what did you do? Jinxx, Jake, and CC all stood up with Ashley and I. We followed the bus driver out of the bus and we were shocked to see the scene among us.

I moved my hair outta my face and stated, “Oh shit dude.”

A black colored car was completely smashed on the right side and front bumper by a red F150. The driver got out of the red truck and held his hand to his forehead. I heard a faint voice screaming,” Someone help me!”

No one was going to the black car so I crossed the slowed to stop traffic towards the car. As I got closer I realized the car was dark blue and I felt a few rain drops hit my head. I jogged over to the driver door to see a girl with black grease paint on her hand that was out the rolled down window. My eyes widened as I realized we had just caused an accident that involved one of our fans. Her blue eyes met mine as she frantically begged for me to call 911. She didn’t look super badly injured but I’m no doctor. I shouted,” Jake call 911! This girl needs help!”

I focused my attention on the girl who looked like she was maybe eighteen or nineteen. Besides the cuts on her face she seemed pretty and simple. I didn’t really know what to do.

She stated with her voice full of panic,” I can’t feel my legs.”

I could feel my adrenaline starting to kick in. I being tired earlier was just a faint memory. I asked,” What’s your name sweetie?”

She replied, “Desirae.”

I nodded,” Okay Desirae, try not to freak yourself out. Uh, can you move?”

Who was I kidding I was no paramedic. Why was I trying to act like one? She pointed at the steering wheel which was pinning her to her seat by her lower waist. My lips made an O shape. I don’t even think she noticed who I was. But I could tell from her makeup she was on the road from our concert just like we were.

Her dark brown hair had little pieces of glass from the windshield in it. I noticed that she was beginning to panic more. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it out of helplessly trying to calm this stranger named Desirae down.

Ashley ran over to us and said,” The ambulance is on its way.”

He took one look at her panicked face and stated,” Andy keep talking to her. Keep her distracted!”

He asked, “Hey where did you just come from?”

Her eyes moved from the wreck to his face and answered,” The Black Veil Brides concert.”

I saw him smile. Then Ashley’s name was called by CC. He took off in a sprint back to the bus. I saw her trying to finish analyzing me but her pain was interfering. TO do what Ashley said, I questioned,” Did you like the concert?”

She nodded with a gasp. She had noticed the cut on her forehead now that it was bleed more. I bit my lip nervously,” How old are you Desirae?”

Her eyes widened at blood on her right hand from her head. I repeated my question and her eyes tore from the blood and she replied,” I’m nineteen. How old are you?”

I proclaimed, “Same here.”
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So im pretty horrible at sticking to just one story. I'm currently updating like two stories now plus this one. So check out the Character page to see all the characters and let me know what you think