I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

"The feeling in our hearts won't ever fade away"

A week later was the finale. I remembered the top three performance night like it was yesterday. I had performed with Twitch to Get Outta Your Mind. At the end of the show Robert was sent home leaving Kent and I to fight for the win. Andy and Ashley were there for that episode.

For the finale, I would perform with an all-star and so would Kent. Then Kent and I would perform together. I was backstage and getting ready. I had just finished getting into my outfit for the My Chick Bad dance and curling my hair. When one of the stage managers said I had a visitor.

I walked out to see a smiling Andy with roses. I smiled, “Hi.”

He pulled me into a one armed hug and said,” These are for you.”

I took the flowers from him and replied,” Thanks Andy.”

He questioned,” So we’re still on for dinner with all the guys afterwards right?

I nodded jokingly,” Yeah we’re still on, if I win.”

He rolled his eyes and leaned up against the wall,” I think you will. You’ve been doing great.”

I felt him grab my hand and say,” Well I’ll let you get back to getting ready. I’ll see you later.”

I added,” Hey, I just want to let you know that there is a stage kiss in the last dance.”

With the way he had been acting around me I figured I should tell him. He had been a lot more affectionate since our encounter in the hotel room. I admit; I loved every minute of it. But I hoped there was no downfall to it, like the last time. I wasn’t sure if I should let my walls down or not.

I could feel myself getting nervous as Twitch and I were told we had five minutes till we were to be performing. I could hear the crowd clapping for the judge’s critiques of Kent’s dance.
Suddenly I heard the western intro and I looked across and twitch who nodded and we walked out. At thought moment I forgot my nervousness and focused on the moves instead of the crowd watching.

My Chick bad started to play and the crowd started to cheer all over again. I enjoyed myself as I danced the dance. I was doing what I loved to do. When we were done the judges gave us pretty good marks. I smiled at Andy just before I had to run off stage to get changed real quickly.

Next was Kent and I’s duet. I got into the pink and white dress and put my hair up in a nice ponytail. The lights went out on the stage and I silently made my way to the middle of the stage with Kent. We got into the position like we were slow dancing.

The spotlight came on with the song Collide by Howie Day. Kent and I had become good friends during the competition so we had a best friend connection so we brought it out during the dance. The kiss was weird but it is what it is.

Nigel said,” Desirae, I’ve learned from this performance that you’re a beautiful contemporary dancer. Same with you Kent.”

When he said his opinion, I heard whoops from the Black Veil Brides. I laughed and said thank you. They said our numbers and we wouldn’t know till tomorrow who won the competition. I went backstage and quickly showered and got dressed for dinner. I wore a red flannel corset looking top and black skinny jeans. I let my hair air dry since it looked cute just naturally.

I walked out of my dressing room and saw Andy waiting for me. He looked me up and down with a hungry look. I smirked and linked arms with him. Then we went to Red Robin.
At the table it was Sammi and jinx on my left and Andy on my right. Ashley was across from Andy. I felt a hand on my thigh. It wasn’t trying to make a move it was just resting there. I eyed Andy through the corner of my eye. Was he trying to make a move on me?

I ran my fingers through my hair and laughed at Jinxx and Sammi doing impersonations of each other. Our dinner was good. I didn’t get to have much due to not wanting to be bloated tomorrow so I just had a salad. After dinner Andy gave me his jacket due to it being a little chilly. He and Ashley rode in a cab with me.

When I got to the hotel I got out of the cab. I began to take off his jacket and he waved,” Keep it for good luck.”

I smiled,” Thanks. Are you sure you don’t want to come up?”

I saw Ashley’s eyes flash to Andy and he smirked. Andy smiled, “maybe next time. You need all the sleep you can get.”

I winked,” Suit yourself cowboy.”

Before the car door closed I heard Ashley say,” How could you give that up!?”