I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

"I never meant to be the one who kept you from the dark."

I heard fast footsteps running towards the table. Desirae was back with a ticket in her hand. She gasped, “Oh my god. I fucking forgot my flight back to Los Angeles is in an hour!”

I jumped up and said,” I’ll be back guys.”

We rushed out of the IHop. She apologized,” I’m sorry Andy. I didn’t mean to ruin breakfast. I can’t believe I forgot how quick I was to leave Vegas.”

I shook my head, kind of disappointed that she was leaving so quickly, and ushered her into a cab,” Don’t worry about it. Let’s just get you to the airport.”

My mind was rushing with worry. When would I see her again? I still had a few more concerts left of Warp. We were heading to Nebraska after this. I didn’t want to space myself from her. We quickly stopped at the hotel and now we were on our way to the moment that she would leave.

I pulled her into my arms as we sat in the back seat. She laid her head on my chest and sighed. I didn’t want to let go of her when we did arrive at the airport. I told the cab driver to wait as I got out with her. I grabbed her hand and she smiled at me. She promised,” I’ll see you soon.”

I said,” I really hope so.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed her back without hesitation. I gave her one last hug and when she began to walk away I shouted,” You could always come on tour with me!”

She looked over her shoulder and smiled. I saw her nod but she kept going. I knew she had things to do when she got back. Due to the people walking in and out of the doors I wasn’t even sure she heard me but I hoped she did.


The day I had gotten back in California I had gotten a call that I had a photo shoot to be at. It was a mixture of everything. I got to a spot where there was big dead grass and rail road tracks. There was a little van where I could get changed in and a tent where my makeup and hair would be done.

I was in black spandex shorts, a black tube top, and a leather jacket. I laid down on the rail road tracks and from the side the photographer took the picture. I did a few poses with dance moves and then it was time to change.

I got into a dress and then pinned my hair up and put sapphire earrings in my ears. Within two hours we were completely finished. I didn’t even have time to drop off my stuff at my house. So when I finally got to it felt great to be home.

I walked around the house just feeling weird. I felt like my heart wasn’t even with me. It was back in Vegas with a boy who wore grease paint and was heading to Nebraska. I was already missing him. Fuck it; I wasn’t staying California for long.

I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and instantly started packing . I began throwing clothes all over my room trying to get packed. It took me twenty minutes to realize I actually had to find a flight to get there. I got onto my IPhone and found a flight for tonight.

I dialed Matt Good’s number and waited for him to answer. He sounded sleepy when he answered. I asked,” Are you asleep?”

He replied,” I have a hangover what do you want?”

I stated,” I was wondering if you could so something for me.”
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cliffhanger! where do you think she is going? and why do you think she is calling Matt? Leave me some comments (:

Favorite photoshoot of desirae