I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

"So take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight."

I walked out of the Nebraska Airport to meet Matt Good with Sunglasses on at nine o’clock at night. I shook my head and gave him a weird look. When we got in the car he asked,” What is this big surprise you have planned?”

I stuck my tongue out at him,” I can’t really tell you. You’re too good of friends with Andy. Who’s to say you won’t give it away?”

He pointed out,” That’s some good thinking you got going on there.”

When we reached the hotel that was nearest to the site where all the bands were playing I got out of the car and thanked him. I said that I would see him later and to not tell Andy I was even here.

I packed a camera and my guitar. I remember during one of Andy and my phone conversations that he had watched some of my videos on YouTube.

I set up the camera and then pressed record. I stated,” So you’re probably wondering why I’m all done up. I had a photo shoot earlier and now I’m here. Here is somewhere I cannot tell you. I want to thank all the sweet comments and congratulations on me winning SYTYCD. But for fun I thought I would do a cover of He is we’s song All about Us.”

I began playing the chords and I cleared my throat.

“The rooms hush hush and now’s our moment. Take it in, feel it all and hold it. Eyes on you, eyes on me. We’re doing this right. Lovers dance when their feeling in love. Spotlights shining, it’s all about us. It’s all about us. Every heart in the room will melt. This is a feeling I’ve never felt. But it’s all about us.”

After I finished the song I blew a kiss to the camera. I tucked myself into bed and wished Andy was next to me. I soon fell asleep, forgetting the jitters about tomorrow.

I got up and showered. I got ready and made sure I looked pretty. I got into my grey skinny jeans and my black boots. I pulled my white BVB tank top over my black tube top. I pulled my natural hair over my shoulder and left the hotel room and headed to Warp Tour.

When I got there everything had been set up and ready for bands to start playing. I didn’t see Matt or Andy anywhere. So I continued past the crowds. I finally saw someone I knew when I got closer to the main stage. Ashley shouted,” You crazy girl! What are you doing here?”

I shrugged,” I have no idea how I even got here.”

He smirked at me and exclaimed,” Oh my god Andy has been soo annoying since we left. Thank god you’re here.”

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. I asked,” Where is he?”

Ashley pointed to a grass field and stated,” Getting interviewed with Matt.”

I smiled and he gave me a high five before I walked off to the grass field. I crossed my arms as my hair blew in the wind. As I got closer I could see Matt and Andy standing under a blue tent. I heard Andy scream,” AHH I’m Jesus!”

I laughed at his weirdness. When you put Matt and him together who knows what could happen. I went and sat on the wooden gates at the top of the hill to watch the interview. Over the next forty five minutes they continued to make jokes and then at the end of the interview they raced. I arched my eyebrow at their race.

I grinned when they were all out of breath and regretting that race. Andy ran his fingers through his hair and happened to look up the hill. I blew him a kiss. He stared for a second and then hit Matt. He said something and then Matt smiled. He patted Andy’s shoulder and said,” Go get her.”

Andy was motivated from his statement and made his way up the hill. He questioned, “Desirae?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So the song featured in this chapter is all about us by He is we.
Desirae's outfit at warp tour
Really funn Bryan stars video of Matt and Andy getting interviewed at Warp tour