I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

"So here I write my lullaby for all the lonely ones."

I finally heard the sirens and cops were now setting up flares in the rain. I was pushed aside by paramedics and her hand with a cross ring fell from my grip. I moved out of the professional’s way and moved back to the bus. CC frowned,” That sucks that she is one of our fans.”

Jinxx nodded in agreement, “I hope she is going to be okay.”

I stated,” We’ll have to visit the hospital she’s at. It would probably mean a lot, you know?”

Ashley added,” She got to hold Andy Biersack’s hand while she waited for assistance.”

I rolled my eyes at him and my craving for a cigarette,” She didn’t know who we were. I think she was too dazed.”

Our manager Jon said,” I think we could fit that in to our schedule.”

Two days later in complete makeup CC and I drove back up to the Los Angeles hospital. Her words were burned into me as I remembered her saying she couldn’t feel her legs. I brought CC along with me because I figured if she needed some cheering up he could bring that.

We were directed down a hallway to room 202. AS we were walking I saw a girl with a knee brace spandex on. Her legs were bruised and her crop top exposed bandages around her ribs. CC hit my arm and asked silently if that was her. She peeked around the corner quickly and limped down the hall. We slowly followed her.

We watched as a nurse sneakily handed her a guitar and she continued to walk to where there was a big window and door. I arched my eyebrow and looked inside the window to see a bunch of little kids crowding around her as she painfully sat down. A doctor was then at outside.

He stated,” Desirae is so stubborn.”

I kinda jumped at the sound of his voice. I said,” I talked to her when she was waiting for help and I just came to see how she was.”

He smirked,” She thinks she’s good enough to walk all over this hospital. Those kids sure do love her though.”

We continued to all look at her playing the guitar for the sick kids. He added,” She’s in here every week playing for them. It gives them some hope. She met them all when her parents died. She inherited a whole bunch of money and had graduated from Juilliard. She’s a professional dancer.”

CC examining the voice coming from room full of children sick with cancer,” Apparently she’s pretty good at singing too.”

The doctor nodded. I was getting more information than I was sure I wanted. I asked,” So she can walk? She was worried about not feeling her legs at the accident.”

The doctor explained,” I guess the accident somehow cushioned yet cut off circulation. Thankfully it wasn’t bad. Her knee popped out of place and she has some bruised bones in her legs but that’s it. She was all worried she couldn’t try out for So You Think You Can Dance.”

CC asked, “Could she?”

The doctor took a deep breath in,” Well she has a fractured rib and a bruised rib. Apparently tryouts are in two and a half months if she works out and let’s herself heal then yes.”

The doctor left our side to get her out of the cancer room. She looked disappointed and stood up with the help of the doctor. They paused in their stride as Desirae needed a breathier and she put her hands on the left side of her rib cage.