I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

"I promise you I will see you again."

When she got out of the room she looked up and saw CC and I. Her eyes widened as she made eye contact with me. I noticed her tattoo on her hand before I made a long eye contact with her. She breathed,” no shit.”

CC burst out with laughter at the awkward moment. Our matching colored eyes hadn’t left each other’s gaze. I couldn’t tell if our gaze was in disbelief or what. If you’ve ever had the feeling where you had just met someone who you wanted in your life forever and you get a warm feeling yet you’re surprised? It’s like a moment in a movie that plays some kind of happy music as you realize that she is the one. Yea that was what it was like. She was so fucking beautiful.

CC broke the silence as the doctor handed her off to me to help her down the rest of the hall, “So how you feeling Mrs. Car accident?”

She let out a small smile,” Last I checked, it was my fault so I’m alright just trying to speed up healing.”

CC replied, “Yeah good luck with speeding it up. We should have told on you for sneaking out of your room like that.”

Her laugh surprised me,” Oh you saw that? That’s embarrassing! It hurts to walk regularly so that’s why my limp is all fucked up.”

I laughed,” Can you even say that word in a hospital?”

She shrugged,” Beats me!”

I helped her onto her hospital bed. She thanked me quietly and she stated,” I was so frantic at the car accident I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I thought it was a joke when they told me that Andy actually kept me talking until help came.”

I nodded, “Yeah. I’m sorry our bus driver dowsed off and came into your lane. If it wasn’t for that, you wouldn’t be here.”

She waved her hand, “Whatever. I’m a dancer. I’m used to being in here with some kind of injury.”

CC added,” The doctor seems to know a lot about you. We almost know you whole life story.”
She laughed, “He’s a family friend and he’s been my doctor since I was like ten. He’s not some creep or anything.”

CC asked with a smirk,” What kind of dance?”

I mumbled,” I doubt it’s what you’re thinking.”

She caught our exchange and joked,” I’m a stripper.”

CC looked amazed and said,” Don’t tell Ashley that.”

She laughed,” no I’m kidding. I do ballet, hip hop, and contemporary.”

CC pouted and I said,” Okay, I was going to say that you don’t look like the stripper type and strippers don’t try out for Dance competitions.”

She widened her eyes,” God he told you that too!?”

I laughed at her expression,” Yeah he did.”

I knew it was reaching the end of our meeting. We had to go so we could get back on the road. Part of me didn’t want to leave. And that was unusual. I watched as CC joked with her and then she would flinch in pain at the pressure on her ribs from laughing. I stood up from the blue chair and stated,” Well it was nice to officially meet you Desirae. Hope you heal alright and good luck with those tryouts in March.”

She looked astonished at the fact that I remembered her name. She smiled, “Well thank you. I appreciate your visit.”

We waved goodbye and headed out to the parking lot. CC stated,” Man, you two kind of look like siblings with those matching eyes. It was creepy.”

I gave him a weird look,” How is it creepy? Plenty of people have blue eyes.”

He replied jokingly,” You both have blue eyes, dark hair, and your look is simple. You’re not exactly hot as fuck or ugly as fuck.”

I rolled my eyes,” Simplicity is beautiful dude. I dunno what you and Ashley’s thing is.”