What Are You Waiting For?

What are You Waiting for?

“Here we go again
I kinda wanna be more than friends
So take it easy on me
I'm afraid
You're never satisfied
Here we go again
We're sick like animals
We play pretend
You're just
A cannibal
And I'm afraid
I won't get out alive
I won't sleep tonight”

As Tina Cohen-Chang crescendoed into the chorus on Eloise Lombardi’s favorite song, Eloise jumped out of her chair to dance and sing along. These were the moments she loved McKinley High Glee Club the most- when she could just totally lose herself in a song with her closest friends.

Except, of course, for her ex-fling Finn Hudson, who had no problem strutting around with Rachel Berry. When Eloise had been the new girl their freshman year, Finn had totally taken her under his wing in a way Eloise thought meant that he must really care about her. It appeared that way for awhile, as they shared a secret romance, until he left her stone cold for Rachel. In the year that followed Eloise was on eggshells, terrified of the embarrassment that would consume her if everyone found out that she let Finn play her.

So as the group danced and sang to Neon Tree’s Animal, Eloise tried to focus her energy on something positive- like the smile she got from Noah Puckerman, aka Puck, as he picked up his guitar and started to jam out the tune.

If her relationship with Finn was rocky and dead at best, Eloise’s connection to Puck was fresh and a little mysterious. Yeah, he was dating Quinn Fabray, but there was something in the way he treated Eloise that told her there was something there. He looked at her in a way no one else did, and it made her feel good.

And sure, maybe she had a thing for mohawks.

The song ended and everyone cheered. As soon as the noise began to climb down, the bell rang and everyone gathered their things.

“You seemed to get really into that one,” Puck’s husky voice made Eloise jump a little, as it was so close to her, she tried to fight off a little blush.

“Um, thanks, so did you,” she replied as everyone else filed out of the room, leaving it private for the pair.

Puck seemed perfectly comfortable in the silence that followed, hopping up on the piano and swinging his legs lazily in the air. However, for Eloise, every little motion she made in the process of packing up her bag felt as pressurized as a bomb squad trying to cut the right wire.

“I like spending time with you,” Puck broke the silence sometime later.


“You sound surprised,” he laughed a little. When Eloise failed to come up with a witty response, he continued. “I don’t see anyone get lost in a song like you do. Not even Berry. And I’m hard pressed to find a time Berry isn’t lost in her crazy fairy tale music world.”

“Thanks, I think?”

“I mean it as a compliment,” he smiled. “You’re the most honest chick I know, you don’t hide yourself from the music, and that’s totally cool.”

Eloise thought this over for a moment. She liked spending time with Puck too. He saw something in her no one else seemed, and she appreciated that- enough so that she felt like she owed him the truth.

“I have to be honest with you,” she started and sighed.

Puck shrugged, “I know about you and Finn, if that’s what you mean.”

Eloise blinked in surprise, “You- you do?”

“Finn doesn’t exactly keep his escapades quiet,” Puck rolled his eyes with frustration. “He’s an idiot.”

“Yeah. Yeah he is.” Eloise found herself agreeing with a bit of a liberating feeling.

“Besides, it doesn’t change the way I look at you.” Puck continued. “When I look at you, I don’t think of Finn at all. I think of... well... you.”

“And what is me, exactly?” Eloise asked out of curiosity.

Puck struggled with this thought. “I don’t know, just... This... cool chick. A bad ass with a little mystery, and maybe a little damage from the past, but a total diamond who grew from the pressure and doesn’t let anyone tell her who to be.”

He couldn’t be more wrong, Eloise thought. But, she went with it. She didn’t know why, but it was almost as if correcting him was completely out of the realm of possibility. She got this feeling she didn’t understand but decided to trust. It wasn’t until much later that she would realize this was her first taste with rebellion, and the adventurousness that Puck would constantly bring into her life.

She gave him an ebony wink, and had an almost spicy taste in her mouth when she smiled wide. “You’re rather observant.” She said slyly- naturally- Naturally sly! Eloise Lombardi! What was he doing to her?!

He shrugged once more, “I call ‘em as I see ‘em- oh, shit.” He grumbled as his phone vibrated and his eyebrows furrowed to read a text. “I should go.”

“Quinn?” Eloise said with a dry mouth, trying to keep that crazy confidence, but seemingly failing. Puck didn’t see to notice.

“Yeah. Quinn. My girlfriend.” He said as he looked at Eloise. The way he said “my girlfriend” as his brown eyes were locked on hers were enough to cause seismic shaking in her heart. The silence that followed was prolonged and hard to stand.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Eloise finally broke the tension. Puck nodded.

“See ya,” he sighed, before gently touching her shoulder (a warm feeling that wouldn’t leave Eloise for hours) and lumbered out of the Glee room, leaving her all alone.

Eloise lingered for a moment, not really sure what to feel, but knowing that something exciting was on the horizon.

Now all that was left to do was look at the spot where Puck had disappeared out of the door and gently ask the open air “what are you waiting for?”