
I tumbled to the ground and next thing I knew an arm was wrapped tightly around my neck. I pulled at it and gasped for breath, trying to dig my nails into his skin. “Wait.” The man said, coming forward. The boy looked up at him questioningly, loosening his grip slightly, but not enough. “Where did you learn to fight?” he asked, taking a closer look at me. “Martial Arts dojo,” I choked out. He waved his hand at my attacker and said, “Let her go.” When the pressure was removed I took a deep breath and stared at the man before me suspiciously. “What do you think about making some money?” he asked, with a cynical smile...

Hayley 's world was thrown into chaos when her mother suddenly died. With her family broken she has to find a way to piece everything back together. Her only real skill is fighting, it's what she's good at, what she enjoys. She finds a way to use this to save her world, or so she thinks. Can she really get back to her normal life using the underground fighting scene as a means to reach her goal? Or will her divided worlds of job and life collide in a way she never wanted?