My fingerprints

Yin and Yang.

Gwena Nore

Classes are dull. I'm sure they are designed for pressure, but my pen never falters. Not the way of my sister's. Adella Marie, what a pretty name. They favored her from the start, the babe with more hair, brighter eyes. I'm halfway convinced they rigged our development to make sure she had the most nutrition, the better traits. They coded her DNA with a much steadier hand. Perhaps they took up our whole nine months focusing only on her face. They very well could have, it is sculpted with the percision of angels, bust as for her intellect they left little to the imagination. Adella wastes her pretty little mind in day dreams of impossible ideas.
I look over to see this is where she is now, her head in the clouds. My essay is complete and she has three words down, tops. If they categorize us by academic achievements then i will surely have the better life. But what are the chances we are tested on anything but our looks? Slim to none.

Adella Marie

Mostly I'm far away. Distant. Vague. It is safer to just go along with whatever it is people are telling you. Easier. Put your hair in curls, never wear that color. If i seem perfect on the outside, I'm free to wander on the inside. Only not always. "Pay attention!" someone snaps at me. Someone is always snapping. If only I could have time to be alone. Any time at all. I've grown so tired of being a robot.
I glance at my sister. So determined. She scribbles and obeys.Always. But it's never going to be enough. Always another order, another demand to fulfill. I sigh, willing the world to simply disappear. Or at least this world. I should have been born decades earlier, when life wasn't such a chore. I would have made a good hippie. "Adella!" More snapping.
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