
Ten Bucks If He's Hot

Brittany didn't understand love.

Sure, Brittany loved those cheesy movies that talked about love and romance and passion. But real life was definitley not that simple. Disney never told her that part.

Two years ago, Brittany Zieb moved away from her small home in Kentucky to New York in just a pair of tattered white cowboy boots and a black shirt that had 'COUNTRY GIRL!' written on it in purple print.

She had this huge dream of meeting some shaggy haired New Yorker and shagging him. And she wanted to work at the Barnes and Noble on 34th street.

But that most definitley did not happen.

Now, Brittany Zieb, former country girl is now going from apartment to apartment on jobs.

Not as a cookie salesman.

Meet Brittany. She's your husband's destresser for the night. How may she help you?

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Got a stressed out husband?
Well, I'm Brittany Zieb and I want to help you!
If your husband is just not satisfied enough with your performances, I will definitley destress him!
Call Brittany at 436-2765 for more details.
I also do birthdays!