Not Already Done

There Is Nothing

She crawled into a ball, hiding into herself from the outside world and in the long run, her thoughts. Something that is almost impossible seeing as they're a constant cling to her soul as they are a part of her. It's something that she wishes wasn't a part of her because they hurt too much to stay with.

The paper ball lay near her, scrunched up so that the words couldn't be seen by her unless she decided to unfold it and read them. She wouldn't be doing that in a long time, if never. She didn't think she could ever get herself to even pick the ball up let alone open it and read the words on it.

The forest was empty around her. The leaves crinkled underneath her even though she was barely moving. It hadn't been too long since she had entered the place but now all she could think about was leaving it. She didn't have the guts to move just yet though.

Her body held a tremble as the wind shifted and reached her where she was. Her clothes barely gave a shield to the wind but she didn't hold any care about it because she didn't pick herself up from the floor. It wasn't like she could either.

She felt like she was trapped on the floor with no way up and even if she did have a way up then she wouldn't take it because it was just too hard for her to even attempt. It seemed to have drained everything and more from her with no way of regaining what she had lost. That's the thing with uncertainty, one thing that she forever has, it never chooses the right thing to take from you.

Her breath came out in a cloud of white air each time she inhaled and exhaled softly. There was barely any noise coming from her so there was no need for her to try and bring about noise through that. Who was she to disturb the silence?

Everything that had happened had been a direct hit from things that she had done herself. They had never thought that most of what happened could have ever been done to herself but it could and it had. Not everyone knew but some knew and it was probably why she was where she was now.

They just wouldn't take no for an answer.