Status: Complete


Just The Thought Of You And I

“So, you had ‘the talk’ with Kaner?”

“I guess you could call it that,” I pondered. “That boy is going to be the bane of my existence.”

“I’m sure he means well.”

I gave him a skeptical look before taking the final bite of my sandwich. “Are we talking about the same Patrick Kane?”

He chuckled and nodded. “Have you said anything to Jonny?”

“No way,” I said with a shake of my head. “He would probably have an aneurism if he knew that Patrick and I kissed. Then he would keel over at the thought of Pat and me getting back together.”

“Is it really something that might happen? Because if it is, you should probably give Captain Serious some kind of warning.”

“I am not getting back with Patrick. Even if I was, what has it got to do with Jonny?” I inquired.

“Uh, you really don’t know?” He asked, a frown forming on his face as I shook my head. “Jon’s like head over heels in love with you.”

“No way,” I mumbled, unable to believe that Patrick’s warnings might actually be true. “Since when?”

“Since the beginning.”

“Come on, David, you can’t be serious.”

“I am, Ceb. Jon’s had a thing for you since the first day he met you. Why do you think he showed you off?”

“Showed me off? What are you talking about?”

“You’ve known Jon long enough to know that he doesn’t introduce us guys to his lady friends too often.”

I nodded, knowing exactly what David was talking about.

“Then you must have realised that in bringing you to the rink the first time he was showing off this beautiful, funny, lovely girl he met.”

“That doesn’t mean anything,” I contended.

“With Jonny, it does. All the guys could tell that you meant something special to Jon, but he was too chicken shit to do anything about it. That’s when Patrick swooped in and you two started seeing each other.”

“He fucking charmed me,” I admitted. “My common sense didn’t stand a chance.”

David laughed lightly before continuing. “Jon also didn’t stand a chance. He was pretty pissed at Kaner, but decided that he didn’t want to lose you.”

“So, he backed down and, what, decided friendship was better?”

Cocking his head in thought, David considered the possibility. “I guess so.”

“If he is so into me, like you and Patrick say he is, should I not be worth a fight?”

“You know you are, Ceb, but you also know Jon.”

“I never saw him as more than a friend,” I confessed, guiltily.

“Maybe he knew that and chose not to pursue you,” he suggested. “What would have happened if he had?”

“Are you asking who I would choose given the chance?”

“That’s exactly what I’m asking.”

Having an instant answer shocked me. I had thought that choosing between two men that meant so much to me would be harder than it truly was.

“You know, don’t you?” There was a slight judgemental tone in David’s voice as he spoke. “It’s not Patrick, is it?”

I shook my head slowly, not wanting to admit to picking Jonathan immediately, rather than the man I had been in a serious relationship with. “You can’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t,” he promised. “Just tell me why?”

“I-I don’t know. Jon’s been there for me through so much, but until now I never would have considered him as someone I’d date.”

“Something must have changed your mind.”

Yeah, he stepped in when Patrick wasn’t around. “I don’t know, David. What do I do now? There’s no way I can look Jonathan in the eyes and not think about this conversation.”

“Tell him how you feel? I already told you how he feels.”

“You also told me how Patrick feels.”

“And you didn’t believe me until Patrick told you himself.”

“What are you implying?”

“You won’t believe Tazer’s feelings until he tells you.”

“We both know he wouldn’t go and do something like that, especially once he knows that Patrick wants to get back together.”

“I thought you said you didn’t want to get back with Kaner.”

“I don’t,” I assured him. “Do you really think Jonny will believe that? We’ve been fighting so much lately, I’d be surprised if he listened to anything I say.”

“You’d be surprised by how much Jon takes in when you fight, and how much he thinks about those arguments afterwards. You’re one of the reasons no one was surprised when he split with his last girlfriend.”

“There is more than one reason?”

“Yeah,” David responded. “Did you ever meet her?”

I shook my head. “He doesn’t really introduce me to people anymore.”

“She was a huge bitch.”


“No, I’m serious, Ceb. This woman thought she was the shit because she was dating the captain of the Chicago Blackhawks. Whenever she was around the rink, you could tell she wasn’t that into Jon. Well, not his personality, anyway. She was also a huge flirt when Jon wasn’t around. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone try to pick up Corey so many times in my life.”

“He seemed to really like her, though.”

“I think he did,” he agreed. “But he didn’t see that side of her, as far as I know. Plus, he was pretty hung up on you, so he was blinded by those emotions, too.”

“Why didn’t anyone tell me this before I got involved with Patrick?” I groaned. “Things would have been so much easier than they are at the moment.”

“Easier isn’t necessarily better, Ceb.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello All!
Thanks so much for reading this story, it means a lot that people actually read it. If you've been reading since the beginning, thank you for staying with it so long. I took a bit of a hiatus from writing, but recently remembered how much I love it. So, I'm sorry for making you wait. That goes for all the new readers, too. Sorry for making you wait between chapters. This is one of the only stories that I don't really have a definite outcome for, so it is taking me longer to write it.

Again, thank you all!