Status: Complete


Late Nights in November

“Aren’t you looking darling,” a voice came from next to me.

I smirked, recognising the sound, and glanced down at my outfit. “Thanks, but there is really nothing special about these jeans or this sweater.”

“Maybe so,” he grinned. “But you still look sexy.”

I scrunched my nose and picked up my bag from the turnstile. “Can you not?”

“Fine,” he pouted, taking the bag from me. “Is this all?”

“Yeah, just the one bag. This is Cameron, by the way.”

“He’s cute,” He cooed, leading me through the airport. “You’re babysitting?”

“Funny,” I said, giving him a light punch on the arm. “I’m sure my parents already told you, but he is my son.”

“Oh, that’s right.” He steered us toward the elevator of the parkade. “Your dad mentioned a baby out of wedlock.”

“How kindly you put that,” I mumbled, stopping at his car.

“So, tell me about his father.”

“I have a feeling you already know who he is.”

“I was told that Little Kane knocked you up.” He looked me up and down once more before heading to the other side of the car and getting into the driver’s seat.

I quickly finished buckling Cameron into the baby seat and hopped into the care next to Sean.

“So, are you still with Little Kane?”

“What makes you think I wouldn’t be?”

“You weren’t so certain about staying with him last time we talked.”

“Excuse me?” I questioned, trying to recall our last conversation. “We talked like a year and a half ago.”

“Yes, and what is your point?”

“I already broke up with Pat by then.”

“You what now?” He quizzes, looking at me with wide eyes. “You and Kane aren’t together anymore? Your parents didn’t mention that.”

“That would be because they don’t know.”

“I’m not getting into that one,” he stated. “Does this mean you have some juicy gossip about your love life?”

“I wouldn’t call it juicy, but I don’t mind telling you I just started a new relationship.”

“With who?” He pushed, pulling into his parking spot.

“One of Pat’s teammates,” I admitted, diffidently.

“You little minx.”

I gave him a horrified expression before slipping out of the car and retrieving my son from the back. “Sometimes I wonder why I even talk to you.”

“To get a clearer picture on your life.”

“Please,” I scoffed. “You are not that good at advice. Plus, you are a bit of an asshole.”

“Thanks for that,” he grumbled, leading me into his apartment. “What do you want to do tonight?”

“Something child friendly,” I said, placing Cameron on the floor so he could explore his new surroundings. “I don’t really have anyone I can leave Cameron with in the city.”

“What if I know someone who would be willing to babysit?”

“I’m intrigued.”

“If they agree, would you like to go to a party?”

“Does it involve dressing up and being social?”

“You know it does.”

Sighing, I nodded. “I feel like I cannot say no to that.”

“Dressing up means heels.”

“You just know how to kill my mood.”

“I’ll take you for supper first.”

“Does that mean you are going to make me pay?”

“No, I’ll pay. This time all food and drinks tonight are on me.”

“Now, that’s an offer I really cannot refuse.”