Status: Active

Nothing Can Compare In This World To You

Nothing Can Compare In This World To You Chapter 1

Beep beep beep BEEP!
The annoying sound of the alarm wakes me up. I turn around and hit it to turn it off. *God I hate alarms* I thought to myself as I look to see what time it is. 7:01 am...time to get ready for work. I seriously wish I didn't start till after noon. I am never really awake before then. I get out of bed and slowly go to my closet and grab a pair of underwear and a bra. I put them in the bathroom and start the shower. It's going to be another long day. I jump in the shower wash up and do the usual. Then I jump out and walk to my closet again. I find a pair of blue jeans and put them on. I look for my shirt that says 'Virgin Records' on it and put it on. Lately I haven't been in the mood for things. Let alone wake up. Ever since Jaysen dumped me, Ive been moping around a bit. I quickly put on my makeup and boots and grab my keys to my car. Traffic wasn't very bad, I got to work at 8:30. Good, I don't start till 8:40. I walk behind the counter and say hi to Rob (my boss) and quickly set up the register.
"Hey Rob," I say.
"Do you think you can pop A7X in the player today?"
"Yea, sure."
"Awesome" I reply. I have to listen to them a couple times a day. That's what gets me going. Five minutes pass and my friend Alison walks in.
"Hey Alison"
"Hey Fal, Hows it going?"
"Slow. I need coffee or else Im gonna fall asleep." She laughs. So we decide to go to Starbucks and get some coffee and then go back to work....We get back and Im not as slow as I was before I had my coffee. Since it was still early and there was barely anyone to attend to, I walk around and make sure things are in their places. I go and pick up some magazines off the floor *Lazy ass people, dont even care to put them back* It really pisses me off when people come to look at the magazines and they either leave them on the floor or put them in the wrong place. I can get pissed off very easily. After that I return to the counter. Alison was sitting on a stool looking at a magazine. A few customers walked in but I wasnt paying attention. Well, not like I ever do. I pick up a magazine and was flipped through it. After going through it and finding nothing interesting I put it down and sit in front of the register. Finally a black guy comes up and puts down a cd (think of sucky rap music lol)*Urgh, how can he listen to that stuff?* I ring it up,
"$12.99, Anything else?"
"No" he replies. He pays and I give him the change and receipt and hand him his bag. "Have a nice day" I put on a fake smile. I sit back down and stare at the floor. Alison looks up at me, with a worried face.
"Come on Fal, dont be so unhappy." "Sorry" I say. "Just alot on my mind."
"Well try not to think about it," she says.
"Ill try." *This is going to be hard* After staring at the ground for awhile I noticed a bunch of cds that needed to be put back. *Hey, at least it as better than staring at the ground* I thought. So I get up, grab the cds and put them in their places. I walk back to get more when...
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Sorry this isn't written so well, I started this in either 2005 or 2006. Hope its alright. Also if by chance anyone has Quizilla dont be alarmed my story is on there too under a different username.