Status: Active

Nothing Can Compare In This World To You

Nothing Can Compare In This World To You Chapter 3


My shift ends at four so I pack up and leave. When I get back to my apartment I walk to my bed and slump down. I just lay there thinking about my day *who was that guy? Why did he look so familiar? * Questions start running through my head. *He was really cute* No, I cant think this. Ive had enough trouble with guys as it is. But then again who doesnt? I get up and go to my radio, and put on City of Evil. I blast it while i start to clean up. Hopefully, tomorrow my day will be better. Maybe we'll have more customers than today. It was already late by the time I finished up my cleaning. I had done laundry, the dishes and some other shit. Then I made myself dinner and got ready for bed. As I was falling asleep, 'Strength of The World' (my fav song on City of Evil) was going through my head. Then I started thinking about that guy again. I started to feel weird...*Where have I seen him before?* I must have asked myself that a couple times before it finally hit me. *No fucking way! It cant be!* I told myself, but then again we do live in the same city. *Dumbass* I finally decided to keep a low profile seeing how people in big bands get chased like crazy. Though as much as I would love to believe that I actually bumped into him, I still had a doubt. I finally fall asleep.


I wake up by the sound of my alarm again. I lazily get up and jump in the shower and do the usual. I grab some jeans and another shirt ('Virgin Records') and put on some converse and do my hair and make up. Im still very sleepy do to lack of sleep. *I need my coffee!* Ive become quite a coffee addict, since it keeps me awake in the morning. I quickly grab something to eat and walk out. ~FF~ I walk into Virgin Records and set my stuff in the back room.
"Hey Fal, you look really tired," Rob says.
"Hey, yea, didnt get much sleep last night. I'll be right back, Im gonna go get my coffee," I say to him in a sleepy tone.
"Alright, just dont be late." I get my purse and walk out and down by a couple stores. I get my coffee and walk back. By the time I get there, Alison was already setting up the register.
"Hey Alison, hows it going?" I say.
"Oh not bad, Hey! You went and got coffee without me??!!" She whines. I laugh and say "Sorry, I really needed it, I was falling asleep again."
"Its ok, just dont forget me next time!"
"Alright I wont," I say.
I put my stuff back in the room and went to help set up everything. The store opened and Rob came in from the room.
"Fallon theres some new magazines to be put up, can you do that?"
"I sure can" I say.
I go to the back and found the boxes that held the magazines. I opened them up and grabbed a bunch and headed to the magazine section. I took the old ones down and put up the new ones. I went back and grabbed the rest and put them on the counter. Then I sat down and took one of the magazines to look at.
"Sooo.." Alison says...
" ass" I say and giggle *I love saying that!*
"Sooo..."She says again.
"Alison, if you dont shut up with the 'So's', Im going to smack you upside the head with this magazine," I say getting annoyed but still a bit amused.
"Ok," she says...
I laugh and go back to my magazine. Then a customer walks up and I go to help her. She puts down a calender and book and I ring them up. "Is that all for you?" I ask and she says yes. She pays and I bag her stuff and give it to her. There were other customers that I attended to and while on the last person, I looked back at Alison.
"Alison, get off your lazy ass and help someone!" I say.
"So, what if Im lazy?" She says.
I glare at her and say "Well you dont get paid for sitting. Look theres a girl over there, see if she needs help."
"Alright, alright." She says. She gets up and as she passes i kick her..She kicks me back. "Loser." i say..
"Dork" I laugh.
After that I sat and started looking at the magazine again. Then Alison comes back and starts to read again.
"Hey, Fal"
"What did you think about that guy?" she asks.
"What guy?"
"The one you bumped into!"
"Oh shit! I forgot about that." I say
"Well, do you think he's cute?"
"He's ok" I lie.
"Oh, come on, you dont need to lie to me"
*Damn shes good*
"Well, hes kinda cute". She laughs. She knows me too well.
"You should have talked to him"
"And why would I do that? Im not interested"
*yes you im not...yes you are! stop like him*
"Come on, you need to forget about the past, move on."
"Look, Im still a bit upset..I said he was cute, ok, its not like hes interested in me, so can we drop this?!
*this is starting to piss me off*
"Sorry, but still you have to admit, it looked like he was interested."
I started turning red. I tried to hide it so I just smiled and looked away.
"Give him a chance"
"Alison, I probably wont ever see him again!"
*I hope he comes back*
She smiles and gives me this weird look, and then says...
"Think again"...
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ok heres chapter 3...pleease let me know if you like it people on Quizilla dont bother telling me >.<