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The Story of Us.

I once heard a quote by some philosopher of the sort, like the others probably old and lonely, but even yet his words spoke to me.

"Love is stronger then death," he says, "though it can not stop death from happening, no matter how hard death tries it can not separate people from love it can not take away our memories either, in the end, life is stronger then death."

To me, in the end it all seems like a dream and I wonder if I should stop coming to the grave of grief where I mourn once a year and I wonder if that’s love at all. I sometimes believe that maybe everything was just a dream and how it would be better to have never have met you and wake up from the dream where you existed and reach for your hands that weren’t really ever there. What a complicated concept. What a complicated thing the two of us shared, love. I stood in front if this stone cross with these bright flowers in my hands that represent something happy, but are here in such a sad case. Bright yellow and pink purple and blue, you never liked for things to be sad or depressing. I set them down on the cold floor where deeper down your laying in internal sleep. A sleep that I wish I could join you in. I often wonder what the last thing you thought about might have been, if it was me, if it was family, if you were scared or worried or was it peaceful and pleasant. Ill never know I guess. As each year passes it only gets harder, as time goes on I cant remember the small things that we enjoyed together. I look behind me to what is waiting for me and I smile, I smile because even with all of this pain I have found peace and a familiar bond between you and me, I see you in his eyes but his love is never the same. His touch, his smell, his face it all reminds me of you, I wonder if you went into him as an attempt to being with me, beating out death to be in love with me one last time. I don’t wish for you to be sad or hurt because this is my last attempt, at happiness, love is lost along with you I cant love another man the way I loved you but I have found friendship and out of friendship love grew, I like to think this is what you wanted. Remember when we first met, our eyes caught from across the room and I'd seen you before that around school, later in the night we were introduced to each other, like some outside force pushing us together….