Status: in progress

One More Day


David's P.O.V

I inhaled the pleasent smell of bacon and sweet maple syrup, grinning like a fool. I felt pleased with myself for making breakfast for Celia, and succeeding at not burning anything. I could already imagine the look of surprise on her face as I popped into our bedroom with a meal grande enough for the gods.

I pulled off my frilly apron, tossing it on the counter. Finally, just as I reached to grab the tray, the house began to shake. The immense action, cause me to fall to the floor. I covered my head, watching as the tray of food fell beside me. I cringed in horror.

"Shit." I shouted, wincing just as pots and pans flew by me crashing with a loud bang, and clanking as the house continued to shake.

"Celia!" I yelled, jumping to my feet, "Babe, are you okay?" As I darted through the kitchen, I couldn't believe that my initial reaction wasn't to get to her.

"David, where are you?" I could hear her shouting, and then saw her appear from our bedroom.

I hurried to her, grabbing her and holding her close. "Are you okay?" I stepped back to look over her. There was a cut on her cheek, and a bloody spot on her shirt on her side.

"Does it hurt?" I questioned, reaching to touch the bloodied spot of her shirt.

She waved my hand away and glanced behind me towards the living room. "Everything is a mess... What's going on?"

I held her tight again, "Some fucking insane earthquake."

"What do we do..."

The rumbling of the earth eased into an end. And we stood there, scared and uncertain for a few minutes.

"You're bleeding." I said, furrowing my brows.

"I'm fine."

"Let me take care of it, I don't want the wound to get infected."

"David," she sternly, "Shit has hit the fan, if you don't mind, I'd like to take care of this first."

I sighed heavily, and reluctantly let go of her.

"David," she said, the tone of her voice changing, "Thank you for looking out for me."

"I just want you to be safe..."

She smiled, "And I am."

She took my hand, and we began to walk to the living room. As the whole room came into view, I could feel my stomach drop. The television, the stereo, everything was pulverized... By a small grey car that had made it 1/3 of the way through the window and into the living room. The man at the wheel was staring in shock at us, as we did to him.

There was an eerie silence across the whole town. An image of confused and terrified people crossed my mind. I squeazed Celia's hand tightly, glad to have her so close to me, glad to have her safe.

Then a horrible thought hit me... What if something happened to the other guys? What if the girls didn't make it?

"I-i don't know what happened... I'm s-s-sorry..." the man said nervously, suddenly unbuckling himself from his car and attempting to push the car door open. "The earthquake just shook me up... I can pay for this." He said, finally flinging the door open.

Celia looked to me, worried, "We can't stay here, what if there's another earthquake?"

I opened my mouth, unsure of what to say. I wasn't sure that anywhere else was safe either...

"There was an earthquake a few hours from here, I heard they were evacuating people... "

I looked to the man with uncertainty.

"There are taking everyone to the states... They'll be doing the same, especially now that there was a second earthquake..."

Evacuating people?! There was another earthquake, and I had no idea? I shook my head, feeling the stress starting to hit me. I couldn't have Celia stay here, I had to get her uptown, to wherever the damn shuttles would be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Co-written with Sanity Sinking
The next parts will be longer as the story progresses.