You And Me


Everything was in order.
Or at least, as organised as chaos could be. Annabelle felt her lungs heavy in her chest, her heart beating erratically. Wallpaper ripped and scattered, a mirror smashed, furniture overturned. She felt oddly satisfied with the mess she created. Reflected her inner turmoil in a way.
She smirked at herself, brushing her long, red hair out of her eyes, damp with sweat. She could feel a turn coming on. With a content sigh, she pushed up from the floor and stumbled to the bathroom. Annabelle tore out drawers, pulled off cabinet doors, finding strength easily in her manic state. She closed her eyes as she felt her fingers carress the smooth plastic of the container. Her redemption.
She walked to her death bed and sat down, tipping the pills out onto her hand. Small, yellow. She could handle these without water. Her mind was too made up to wait any longer. She tilted her head back and shoved the handful into her eager mouth, swallowing as many as she could handle. One got lodged at the back of her throat, and she gave a loud, violent cough.
A glint out of the corner of her eye, and there she was, staring back at her through what was left of her fractured mirror. Her green eyes were empty and hollow and her hair was messy and limp, she looked like shit. An insane grin twitched upon her cracked lips.
Ashes to ashes.
Annabelle collapsed down on the bed and exhaled slowly, waiting patiently, draining her lungs. Death was so close, she could smell it. It swirled around her ankles and through her hair, brushing her eyelashes and kissing her skin like a ghost. With the last of her breath and conciousness she tried to reflect on her relatively short life.
Only 15 years. A shame, she guessed. Yet again, if she had continued with her pathetic existance things may have gotten even worse. If that was possible.
She had more thoughts buzzing around in her brain, but she fickered in and out of reality like a candle in the wind. She was fading fast. A sweet, innocent smile graced her once beautiful face, and she was prepared to leave a beautiful corpse.
Forever young.
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Short start, comment with feedback and if you like what you see I'll put up some more x