Cupid's Kiss

Don't Even Look at Me


The night I kissed Travis went horribly. I didn't know how the next day would be. I was so mad at Travis for not telling me why he couldn't kiss me.

"Amanda, I'm sorry. Please talk to me." Travis struggled to keep my pace on the way to Science.

"There's nothing to talk about Travis."

"Yes there is Amanda. Don't even think this isn't important. We need to talk about what happened."

"You mean our kiss? See, your even afraid to say what happened." I quickened my pace. He walked faster too.

"No I'm not afraid." I stopped to look at him. He looked serious, and almost a little mad. I had almost gone too far.

"Amanda, we need to talk about this. And our kiss."

"You heard me the first time. No." I started walking again. Travis grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. He pulled me against his body and forced me to look in his mud brown eyes.

"I really do love you Amanda. But I'm not supposed to." He crashed his lips against mine, and I kissed back. The kiss was full of his urgency and impatience.

When we broke apart, we were both heaving in gasps. I was just as surprised as he looked. I backed away, wondering why we did what we did.

"No." I said.

"I'm not allowed to date anybody. But I can't help it." Travis looked at me worriedly. As if he might get struck by lightning at any second. "Amanda, I'm a Cupid."

"A what?" I asked, confused.

"A Cupid. I'm supposed to find matches for people."

"So you set me up with Troy, because you thought I would be a good match for a man whore? You set me up for disaster!"

"No, I honestly didn't know about him until you broke up with him."

"You are a horrible person. No, wait. What did you call yourself? A Cupid? Well you're a horrible Cupid."

"Please Amanda, I honestly didn't know!"

"I'm done with everything. And just so you know, you set me up with the worst first boyfriend I've ever had."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't even look at me." I walked away. Suddenly, I felt horrible. I felt like a very cold person. Very distant from life. I wanted to turn around and go crashing into his arms, and kiss him again.

But the feelings I had. They weren't from yelling at Travis.

The world felt far away, and I got dizzy. I collapsed on the floor and put my head between my knees.

Then the world went blank.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just now made this up. This actually wasn't supposed to happen, but it did now, I guess.

just so you readers (if there is any) know, i really feel depressed right now. so if this chapter is a little depressing, or boring or stupid, blame it all on a guy named seth.

please, please, please, read, comment, subscribe. just about anything would make me a little happier, and not in this depressed, no confidence time of my life.
