Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 1

*Mikey’s POv*

People say that they have felt the best feeling in the world that a human being could ever possibly feel. Well I say that’s wrong. Way off point. They haven’t felt anything until they fly a plane. Not a commercial plane, but a plane by yourself where it is just you and the machine holding you up, fighting for the protection of your country. That is the best feeling in the world.

I am in the United States Navy and a proud flight commander. No, I don’t want to ever try out for the pansy flight show squadrons or whatever they are called. I have found my true calling here. I guess you can say I love the thrill of my job.

Hundreds of feet up in the air and no one can physically reach up and touch you. They are all down on the ground living their boring, routine lives on a day to day basis.

There’s only one thing I don’t agree with. The damn rules in this place. You have to be straight. Not bisexual and certainly not gay. If you are you have to be good at faking it or you wont be let in. so I naturally am as straight as a ruler and would never want it any other way.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m certainly not a homophobe. Anything but that. My brother is gay and him and his boyfriend are the cutest couple I have ever seen. So true to each other and the way they look at each other with so much adoration in their eyes absolutely amazes me and I cant help but ask sometimes ‘why cant that happen to me’.

To be honest. I don’t want a relationship so that poor question holds no real meaning at the moment. I don’t intend to act upon any chance I get unless she’s someone really special to me. The only thing I would do that for right now is my job. I live and breathe it every day of my life. I hate ordinary.

My last girlfriend and I parted on good terms and have been great friends ever since. Me and Alisha were like two peas in a pod. Then I decided to join the good ole navy and she couldn’t handle the chances of me getting shipped off so we split. Now she has a great boyfriend and I couldn’t be happier for her.
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okay so i know that its really short but it has alot of information.
it was kind of hard for me to write
and me and danielle are going to try our hardest to get this story on the right track as soon as possible.
i know it makes mikey seem like a cold person but just bear with me. this is how we invisioned it :D
<3 Emily