Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 2

57 minutes. That’s how long it will be until I finally get to see my best friend again.

It may seem weird that I’m counting down the minutes of Mikey Way’s return, but it’s been just a little over six months since I’ve seen him last. It’s the longest either of us have been away from each other since we were 14 (he’s 26 now and I’m 25).

I’ve always been supportive of him though, and always will be. I know he’s wanted to be a pilot for years, he even had laser eye surgery so he could do it.

But anyway, I’m getting off track. Mikey’s flight is arriving at 7 tonight and Gerard and I have planned a surprise party for him.

Who is this Gerard, you ask? He’s Mikey’s older brother and my boyfriend of nearly three years. We got together when the three of us (me, Mikey, and Gee) decided that we wanted to share an apartment.

Luckily for us, Mikey is fine with his best friendfucking dating his brother.

“You excited about tonight, baby?” a soft voice coos from behind me as his hands travel to my hips and he pulls me closer to his body.

Without even attempting to hide my eagerness, I excitedly nod my head up and down with a smile plastered across my face.

He leans down (because I’m like 6 inches shorter than him) and plants a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek, making me giggle as I scrunch up my nose and wipe his saliva from my face.

“We gotta finish getting ready,” he sighs, bringing chin to rest on the top of my head.

“What’s left to do?” I question.

“Well I still need to go pick up Ray and Alisha, and you need to get to the airport pretty soon,” he informs me, scooting his hands back a bit.

“Yeah, I better go now,” I agree. He complies and lifts his head up and removes me from his embrace.

I grab my car keys and kiss him goodbye before venturing off to pick up Mikey. In the car, I blast a mixed cd, consisting of some of my favorite bands while I sing along terribly off pitch.

Once I arrive at my destination, I cease the purring of my cars engine and jump out, eager to see my friend, even though I know that me being there sooner won’t make he arrive any faster.

Locking the car, I practically skip into the cold, fluorescently lit building to look for the terminal Mikey will be coming from.

I wander in every which direction before I somehow manage to catch in the corner of my eye, Mikey, shuffling out behind two other men, his carryon bag slung over his shoulder and his eyes focused on his feet.

He looks amazing. His hair is darker and falling slightly in his face, his skin is even toned, but he still looks like my Mikey.

Upon seeing him, I basically shriek and sprint over to him, jumping up I hook my legs around his waist and pull him into a tight hug.

“Frankie!” he gasps, keeping his arms to his sides, “you needs to get off of me,” he demands.

This must be a Mikey imposter, my Mikey would never tell me to get down.

Quizzically, I shoot him a ‘what the fuck’ glace before releasing myself back to my own feet.

“I’m really sorry,” he whispers to me lowly as we walk to retrieve his bags, “I just don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, ya know?”

“What do you mean?” I speak at a regular volume.

“I just…if they even suspect that someone’s gay, they can kick them out,” he tells me.

“Oh…” is my only response.
♠ ♠ ♠
Definitley not my best. I suck at my intro chapters[x
Thanks for reading!
