Status: pre-written so chapters should be coming out faster then i normally do....


Her father thought she was a Tranny.
She sighed ,happy that he didn’t think anything else into her new and quite odd dressing habit. He hopped into the car- which was also packed with the few things she was taking with her- and pulled out of the drive way.
On the way there, Zeal couldn’t help but notice how awkward it was between her and her father. She knew that her father was okay with it, but he most likely couldn’t see any appeal to it. She looked at the car watch-
ten forty-five.
this car drive was never going to end, was it?
She looked back over to the digital clock- hoping time would speed up for once in her life.
Ten forty-six.
She slapped her hand to her face.
It was never going to end!
She looked outside the window, purposefully trying to distract herself. The scenery here wasn’t all that grand- but at least it was something to look at.
They drove past a museum-like building, a pond, and a gay bar before she looked back at the clock.
Eleven thirty.
She instantly did a double take. There was no way time had flew by that fast just by looking out the window.
Ten fifty-seven.
She knew it was to good to be true…
Zeal then looked over at her dad, who looked to be seriously debating something inside his head. “Um, dad? When are we going to be at the school?” She asked him, knowing already that it would probably be another thirty minutes, but she could hope, right?
He looked over at her, obviously shocked that she even talked to him. “Um, another thirty minutes I suppose- why?”
She sighed, and began to look back outside of the window.
“No reason…” She said, sinking into her seat yet again.
Outside, she could see little kids playing catch with their fathers-
And couples making out on benches-
Eleven O-one.
And a drunk fight breaking out outside of a bar. These two guys obviously didn’t know how to fight, due to their lack of skill. Zeal could easily make out that it had started over a girl- She was standing right behind them looking as shocked as ever.
Eleven ten.
She still couldn’t get over the fact that she was now a boy. It didn’t make sense in her head or in her heart. She shook her head, and closed her eyes- wanting to have never taken on the dare.
“Huh, okay! We are here- lets get your stuff out of the back…” Her dad said, opening his door and getting out of the car.
“What!!!” She yelled, shocked.
Eleven thirty.
“How the fudge did time move that quickly!” Zeal screeched, completely baffled by time passing so fast for once in her life. She sighed- it didn’t really matter anyway, did it?