Status: Active

Good Intentions

Withered Petals

Things were getting easier and my self confidence was returning. Richard, no matter how much his words hurt, couldn’t affect me for long. I chuckled softly as I brought a cigarette up to my lips. I didn’t understand why I continued to be bothered by him. I should have left him before any of this happened. Before I became a monster.
I laughed again at the irony. I walked down around the park with a purpose and that was to get away for as long as I could. Freedom never came easy so all I had to do now was enjoy. I looked down at me shirt which only covered half of my torso and the other was exposed revealing my belly button piercing. I brushed my metallic teal skirt and sat down in a secluded area on a mossy bench.
I took my time taking drags as I surveyed my surroundings. Everything was green and colorful. Flowers were blooming and bees were buzzing. There was a small pond a few yards ahead of me. The water was murky so there wasn’t much to see but the moist rocks protruding the water.
I scoffed as I saw a couple in the distance holding hands. Love wasn’t real. It was just a myth society created to start the wedding industry. Okay maybe that was a little farfetched but love didn’t control my life and it wasn’t going to do that anytime soon. My mind didn’t constantly focus on boys or sex.
“What are you laughing at doll face?”
I turned to my left and saw a male about my age sitting on the bench next to me. When did he get there?
I glared at the stranger unsure of his intentions. “Nothing,” I answered coldly. I looked away feeling intimidated, a feeling that was starting to be new to me.
He was gorgeous. He was a mix between Patrick Swayze and James Dean and maybe a little Clark Kent too. Why is he sitting next to me? How could I possibly interest him?
He made my self esteem plummet the moment I laid eyes on him. “Well I guess that nothing must be very amusing.” He commented.
I shrugged while taking another long drag. I slowly let out a trail of smoke. I lifted my hand for another drag but he pulled it from my hand and started smoking it.
I turned my torso completely and gave him a hard stare. “Hmm, menthol?” He asked. I huffed and slumped back into the bench with my arms crossed.
“Yes.” I answered.
He took one last puff and stomped it on the grass. He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear. “Sorry doll face.” Then planted a kiss behind my ear with his warm hand on my stomach and walked away.
He strutted away with his Italian leather shoes softly hitting the ground. Never had I felt so confused. Did that really just happen?
I got off the bench and brushed my skirt leaving the park. Richard wanted me to meet up with him today. I cringed at the thought. He was a nightmare come true in fact he was my nightmare for every night in the past two years.
I sauntered towards the café Richard would be waiting in. I sighed as I reached the door and braced myself for hell. I opened the door and the bells on top jingled lightly matching the Christmas spirit. I spotted him in a booth in a secluded corner of the little store.
It smelt strongly of cinnamon and peppermint. I inhaled deeply enjoying how the scent warmed up my lungs. Richard immediately spotted me and stood up to greet me.
“Hello Sherri, how are you?” He asked gripping my arm tightly and forcing me into a hug. “What the fuck are you wearing?” He whispered disgustedly in my ear.
I pulled away sharply and sat down ignoring his question. I held the tears firmly and told myself to relax and just ignore him. Nothing he says matters or is important. His insults don’t hurt his hatred doesn’t exist.
He looked at me feigning happiness. “What a pleasure to see you again.” He looked dashing in his black suit with his hair spiked up and his blue eyes sparkling with an evil glint.
“Sorry I can’t say the same.” I said looking away from his gorgeous face and towards the waiter who was coming in our direction.
“Hello my name is Mike. Are you two ready to order?” the waiter asked.
I nodded. “Yes I’ll have your Christmas coffee with a glazed doughnut please.” I said.
His fingers furiously ran across the pad. “And you sir?”
“I’ll get coffee, black with no sugar.” Richard said waving the sixteen year old boy off.
“Nice Sherri not worrying about your weight I see.” Richard chuckled. “Why should I worry?” I snapped losing my cool. “Why shouldn’t you worry?” He taunted wanting me to explode.
“Why did you want me to meet you, I already told you we’re done.” “We’re done when I say we’re done.” He hissed at me. “No.” I argued.
“Listen I didn’t ask you to meet me so we could argue I just wanted to see you.” Richard said.
“Richard if you want to have sex just tell me and don’t try to feed me bullshit.” He chuckled once more. “Why you’ve gotten brighter haven’t you.” He commented.
“Your place or mine?” I asked casually. “Mine.” He answered and then showed up the waiter with our order.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed. I don't know why but I just wanted to write a new story totally different from what I usually write. (:
Sherri and Kenneth(mystery guy's) outfit: