Status: Currently not active, but will be soon.

Hey Girl, I've Been Watching You

Chapter 2


Daniel came running upstairs and I pointed under the dresser.


"There's a huge spider under there."

He looked up at me and shook his head. I ran jumped off the bed and ran downstairs. Spiders were something I never wanted to see, they grossed me out and spiders and I were something that never went together. Daniel came back downstairs and sat next to me.

"Kill it?"

He nodded his head and took the remote out of my hand. I looked at the clock and it was almost 8.

"Wanna go get something to eat? I'm to lazy to cook tonight."

"The Strip?"

I nodded my head and grabbed my sweater from the closet. I really was going to enjoy living here, there was so much to do and all that junk. Samantha, a woman I just met today was extremely nice. She helped out a lot when Daniel and I were moving things around.

"I'll be in the car."

I walked out of the house and to the car and there were still some kids out. I smiled to myself.

"You've got a nice house."

I turned around and there was a guy working on his yard.


He got up and wiped the dirt from his hands and face. He was a tall dude and he was built.

"Name's Jerry. I live right next to you."

"What's with the blacked out windows?" I asked.

"I work late and sleep during the day. You're gonna like it here, everyone is really friendly."

I smiled and began walking back to the car.

"Can I get a name?"


Daniel walked out and looked at the both of us. I got in the car and Dan got in seconds later.

"Who was that?"

"Jerry, the neighbor."
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't expect to get 9 subscribers. Thank you guys for reading :]