

It's almost midnight.
Holly is walking through the woods barefoot. He knee-length white dress is kinda dirty. Her back is sore and bleeding cause of a wounded left wing.
What's bothering her, someone is out to kill her.
Problem is, she doesn't know who.
Holly is walking slowly with her wings expand. She didn't care. All she cared about is getting a place and rest, and try to get her left wing fixed. But, she doesn't know who where to get help.
As she is walking slowly, she hears a voice and then a gun fire. Then, she glanced back behind her, and she wished she didn't
"There she is!" One older man yelled, "Shoot her!"
Then another gun fire, and almost hit Holly. Holly looked straight forward and started to run. She ran till she didn't hear the mans voice, the gun fire she still hears, which scared her to death. Even though her feet killed her, she kept running. Holly tries to look for somewhere to hind, she finds a tree and and she started to climb up. Then she heard the mans voice again,
"Damn, where did she go?"
Then she heard another mans voice,
"I don't know, lets try that way." Then their footsteps faded while walking.
Holly sighed and put her arms around her knees and puts her head down.
She wanted to cry, but no tears came out.
"Hey, I know your up there," A young mans voice said. Holly stays quiet and doesn't move. Then she felt a tiny rock hit her side.
"Come on down, Angel, there's nothing to be afraid of."
Holly looked down at the man, not even a man, maybe seventeen, maybe the same age as her.
"I have no weapons on me, please, come down."
Can she trust him?
She turned side-ways from the tree.
"That's not coming down, angel."
No, she couldn't trust him.
The guy shrugged, "Alright, I'm just gonna get my father, and he'll know what to do."
No, he wouldn't.
Could he?
Course he would.
Then he started to walk off. Holly shook her head, and jumped down. That kind of stung, considering she didn't know how high she climbed. The guy smiled. This didn't look good.
"OK, I'm not going to hurt you, but I need to tell you something,"
"We need to get out of here before my father finds us."
The guy laughed, "Can you even talk?"
Holly nodded.
"OK, can you walk?"
Holly tried to move her ankle, she winced, nope.
"Alright, do you trust me picking you up?"
Holly shook her head.
"Is it because one of your wings is wounded?"
Holly looked back at her wounded left wing, then back at him, and shrugged.
"Like I said, 'I don't have any weapons,' look, grab my hand." He lend out a hand for Holly to grab, she took it, with out thinking. His hand felt cold and hard. The guy pulled her close then carefully picked her up bridal style, then walked out of the woods.