Status: I'm still putting in chapters but it looks good so far. :)

A Summer to Remember

Hot Neighbor-hood

Later that afternoon, Julia was still discovering her room. She saw a door that let out the floor plan into a balcony. She had a view of the entire neighborhood, including the neighbor’s backyard. Julia saw a guy playing fetch with his dog in the backyard. He looked her age, and she thought it was about time she met someone new. As Julia ran out she heard her father say something that was unimportant, she ignored him. When she ran out to the front yard she was hit by a tennis ball and then tackled by a giant dog.

“Omigod! Are you okay? I’m so sorry about that! Brutus gets kind of excited when he sees that ball fly.” The husky voice of a stranger was all she heard.

“I think I’ll be fine. Thanks anyway. Can I have some help up, please?” She asked kindly as she laughed. She thought he was kind of hot.

“Oh. Of course. Are you new here?” The hot guy asked her.

“Uh m. Yeah. Well, sort of. I’m spending my summer before college with my Dad, Step-mom, and my Step sister. I’m Julia Stratford, by the way. Ha-ha, and you are?” Julia giggled hysterically.

“I’m Carson Edwards, I live next door with my Dad, Greg, my Mom, Lanny, my thirteen year-old sister, Abbie, and of course our Great Dane, Brutus.” He told her.

“So, do you know my mean step sister?” Julia asked slowly.

“Yup. Erica used to be my girlfriend, that is until she turned into a snobby ex. Now, we rarely talk at all anymore.” He explained to her.

“She’s terrible to me. We’ve never met in person but we’ve video chatted, and she almost made me cry by saying, ‘Your Dad never loved you and your mom. He always loved me and my mother. Yes, that means he’s been cheating on your mom for a while. If you ever visit us here in California, I will promise to make your life a living hell.’”

“That’s terrible! Hey can I show you something? It’s kind of childish but it’s cool.” He blushed at the words he said.

“Yeah! I’m up for anything.” Julia piped up.

Carson made Julia close her eyes as he guided her to the secret place. When their hands first touched she felt a spark of electricity between the palms of their hands. He told her to open her eyes and she was amazed to see a tree house in an old oak tree.

“Wow. That’s so cool!” She almost squealed.

“You wanna go up?” He offered sweetly.

“Of course I’d love...” She was cut off by the sound of her father’s voice telling her that supper was ready.

“I guess that’s your Que.” He laughed.

“I’m so sorry Carson. Maybe another time?” Julia offered as she started to walk toward the house.

“Meet me up there tonight at 9.” He smiled at her.

“Okie Dokie. See you then.” She was completely ecstatic.

“Till then.” He said inaudible as she stupidly skipped away.

As Julia walked into the house she heard the noticeable voice of a malicious Erica. She was angry about her staying here in her home without her permission. How Julia was wreaking her perfect little bubble life.

“YOU LITTLE HOME WRECKER!” Erica screeched at her.

“What the hell did I do to you Erica?” Julia yelled back at her.

“You came here. That’s what you did. Didn’t you remember what we talked about on our little video chat?” Her delicate face was twisted into a sneer.

“I was forced to! I have only one summer till I’m off to Harvard. Where will you be, dumb ass? University of the Stupid Brainwashed Blonds?” Julia flashed a smile and walked on. She heard a scream and the front door slam.

Supper went by in a blur. At 8pm, Julia got out of the shower. She put on black skinny jeans, a XYZ jacket, and a pair of skater shoes. She applied some light make-up. When she was done, it was almost 9. She walked downstairs and was stopped by Belinda.

“Hi Julia. What are you doing?” She was really perky and nice.

“I’m just going over to the Edwards’ for an hour or two.” Julia exclaimed.

“Okay. Have fun kiddo.” Belinda giggled as she walked away.

Julia walked over to Carson’s tree and climbed the ladder. She was amazed at what she saw. It was a beautiful view of the ocean from here. The sound of the waves drowned out the sound of Carson climbing the latter. She turned around and almost screamed. He burst out laughing to the point of crying. She crawled over to him and wiped the tear away from his face. They stared at each other for a moment until she said;

“I’m sorry. You just scared the hell out of me.”

“It’s okay. I’m sorry from scaring the hell out of you.” He laughed even more.

“I never asked this, but how old are you?” She asked calmly.

“I’m eighteen. I’ll be attending Yale in the fall. What about you?” He said with a proud smile on his face.

“I’m eighteen too. I’ll be attending Harvard in the fall.” She was amazed how smart they both are.

“That’s awesome! Where are you from?” Carson asked curiously.

“I’ve always lived with my mom in Leslile, Iowa. That’s where I was born and raised. My parents divorced over a year ago. He missed my graduation.” Julia was fighting tears but failing.

His warm hand came up to caress the tears away. They dozed off at some ungodly hour of the night in eachother’s arms. She just felt right.