Status: I'm still putting in chapters but it looks good so far. :)

A Summer to Remember

GDO (Girls Day Out)

Julia woke up in tight arms. She whispered to Carson:

“We accidentally fell asleep last night. I have to go. Like now.”

“Oh shit! I’m so sorry! Talk later? Here’s my cell.” He found a pen in a cup and wrote it on her arm.

He practically jumped up and held his back groaning in pain. They were both stiff from the tree house. Julia got down from the tree house and sprinted to the house, where Nick and Belinda were waiting impatiently.

“Julia Marie Stratford.” Her dad said in a disapproving tone.

“I’m so sorry Dad. Nothing happened last night. We just started talking for what seemed like hours. We got to a touchy topic and I started crying and he was comforting me and we fell asleep in his tree house. We just woke up, and I told his I had to go home. We were both freaking out.” Julia explained to them.

“Okay. You’re off the hook. No funny business. Okay?” Belinda caved in.

“Okay.” She agreed.

“Hey Belinda?” Julia asked.

“Yeah girly?” She answered.

“Can you take me to get beautified, or made-over whatever the word for that is? Ha-ha.” She asked awkwardly.

“Of course Jules!” Belinda was almost honored.

“Thanks.” She said politely.

“Is this because of a certain boy?” Belinda pressed on.

“Maybe.” Julia blushed.

“It totally is.” She laughed, “Get ready. We leave in 5.”

The first place they stopped at was Monica's Hair and Boutique. Julia got some light brown highlights in her dirty blonde long wavy hair. She got gel nails and a pedicure. Next stop was the mall for make-up and clothes.

“I don’t want to be asking for too much here, but back home I got my moped license and I was wondering if...” Julia even felt rude saying that.

“If I could buy you one. I thought you’d never ask. What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Belinda was so excited.

Belinda bought Julia a brand new cherry red moped with a silver helmet. She felt like a completely new person. More confident than ever before. She knew that once Carson saw her, he’d be eating out of the palm of her hand.

“Thanks so much Belinda! You’re the best!” She hugged her step-mom.

“No problem Jules!” She hugged back, “By tonight he’ll frozen in awe after he see’s you.”

“I know right!” Julia giggled.

“What’s your favorite hobby?” Belinda asked her casually.

“I love reading and writing a lot. I was in complete awe when I came into my new room and saw a computer and a printer.” Julia discussed.

“Your father told me that you always love to read. If you ever want to write a book. I know some good editors and publishers I can put it through.”

“Thanks so much.” Julia smiled.

* * *

When they got back, Julia ran up the stairs to her room and was stopped by a irritated Erica.

“Hey loser.” Erica sneered at her, wearing a hot pink track suit that said JUCY on the front, with Cupcake in her arms, writhing and wiggling her way out of the strangling embrace.

“What do you want Erica?” Julia sighed annoyingly at her mean step sister.

“You to go home to Hicksville where you came from, cow.” Julia flinched from the hasty words that flew out of Erica’s mouth.

“No. You want to know why? I’m not afraid of you Erica. You’re just a cold-hearted bitch, with a bad rep.” She explained to the other teen.

“Whatever. Stay in you’re room later because Lacy, Kayla, and my bf Josh are coming over to hang and we don’t need a nerdy puppy following us around.” She snapped at Julia.

“I can do whatever I want. Later Witch.” Julia said as she turned to go to her room.