Demon Chaser's Daughter

Poker and Parties

"Rayna, come see what dad bought today!" my dad yelled at me from downstairs. I wondered what it was this time. I was a bit nervous. Last time he told me this he had brought him a human skull. Yes, a human skull. I went downstairs to see a big machine.

"What it is?" I asked my dad.

"It's a poker machine." my dad said with a smile. You got to be kidding me.


"It takes money and everything." my dad said as he started taking it out of the box.

"So you are telling me that the money you take out of your wallet and put in the machine to play it you will be taking out later?"

"Yep. Isn't dad brilliant?"

"Dad, is that a question you seriously want me to answer right now?" I looked at him, he still had the biggest smile on his face.

"Probably not. But help me bring it downstairs please." I helped my dad bring the thing downstairs. Well I should say he carried it downstairs and I directed him.

"Hey dad" I said as he put the machine down and checked it to make sure no scratches or anything were on it,


"Can I go out with some friends tonight?" I asked hoping he wouldn't ask me for details. I figured being he was focusing on his new toy he wouldn't ask too many details.

"You got all your schoolwork done?"

"Dad, my tutor is gone for a couple weeks for Christmas break."

"Oh yeah" my dad said looking at me "Sure, but be back by 11." I smiled and ran up the stairs to figure out what I was going to wear. I decided on black pants and a black tank top on top of the clothes that I was really going to wear. I also had on a mini black skirt with white skills on it under my jeans. And no, my dad has no idea that I have clothes like that.

I went downstairs expecting to see my dad but instead I heard him cheering downstairs so I just walked out the door. I met up with my friend Jake, together we drove to a hotel where the party was at.

"Hey hey Bagans is here" my friend Kenna said handing me a Morgan Coke.

"Thanks chicka, how are you doing?"

"Oh you know, drunk as usual." She said as she went back to her pick of the night. I worried about Kenna, she was a really good friend that has taken a few wrong turns in her life. She was an alcoholic and 16 years old and acted proud of it. She had also recently gotten pregnant but lost the baby due to not taking care of herself.

"So any new ghostly adventures happening at the Bagans household since the TMZ story?" a guy named Rob asked me. I smiled.

"Not really. We had a priest come and take care of the demon and so far it has been pretty peaceful, just the normal ones." Rob nodded. He had dark brown eyes and dark hair. When he smiled he had dimples, which made him hotter. I loved it when he smiled. I chilled with Rob for most of the night. I went to find Jake at about 10:30 but found him drunk and naked in bed with a chick. Well there went my ride. While I was in the bedroom trying to see how Jake was a fight broke out in the hotel room. I heard crashing and screaming. I walked out and someone fell into me, knocking me down.

"What the hell?" I said pushing him off of me. He jumped up and ran for the guy and they started throwing punches at each other. I knew that I should have just left and asked Rob for a ride but it was Rob that was trying to break them up so I started helping him. It took me and 4 other people to get the one guy off the other guy by that time there was a knock on the door.

"Police" a voice said from outside. "open up." We all stopped and stared at each other. Rob, who was probably the most sober one there went to go open the door. I had a buzz so I just sat on the bed praying they would just let us all go. Two police officers came in and looked around. The mirror in the hotel room was broken, the tv was broken and there were liquor bottles, beer cans, and plastic cups everywhere.

"Ok" one of the cops said "you two come first" he took the two guys that had been fighting and went outside to talk to them.

"OK I need everyone to stay here and start giving me your information. I want names and phone numbers of your parents." Just then as many kids as possible started running outside. I wasn't even going to try it as I figured I was in enough trouble as it was. The second cop knew me, he knew my dad and not by giving him speeding tickets. They had hung out a few times. In fact, he had been in my house a couple times.

I don't know what all happened to the few kids that ran out of the room but I saw a couple other cops coming and more kids down there so I figured that none of them were able to actually get away.

"Rayna" the second cop, David, came up to me about an hour after he had started taking names and numbers "a lot of kids have left and the others can take care of the rest, why don't you come with me. I'll take you home." I stood up and went with him. I was happy that he wasn't going to give me a minor, he had handed out a couple but it was to the ones who were either holding alcohol or were drunk.

I became extremely nervous when David rang my dad's doorbell. It was almost midnight. My dad opened the door. I was standing there with my jeans in my hand and freezing. I only had my tank top and mini skirt on and it was cold.

"What the hell?" my dad asked. "What did you do?" He looked at me. "What the hell are you wearing?!"

"Hello, Zak" David said "I got a call to go break up a party at a motel room tonight. I found Rayna there. She was very cooperative and did whatever I asked her. There was damage to the room but that was due to a fight that she was not involved in." My dad looked at me. He gave me his "I am going to turn you into a ghost" expression. I looked down.

"Thanks bro" my dad said as he brought me into the house and shut the door.

"Sit down" my dad told me in a deep voice pointing to the couch. I sat down, not saying anything.

"First of all, what the fuck are you wearing?!" My dad yelled at me. "You don't wear shit like that do wear that stuff at all. It is going in the garbage! Where the hell did you get it?!"

"I bought it" I said quietly. My dad looked at me with his arms crossed.

"Do I need to go with you every time you go shopping to make sure you don't buy shit your aren't supposed to?" I shook my head.

"You know, I thought you were old enough where you didn't have to be supervised all the time. I see now that I was wrong about that." I looked at my dad. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say and I figured nothing would help my case anyway.

"You are grounded." my started pacing "you are so grounded that the next time you actually see the ground it is going to look at you and ask you who you are because it won't remember you! Give me your phone, you game controllers, your laptop, everything but your tv but I am not taking that damn thing off the wall and your ipod because I won't take music away from you." I handed him my phone and headed to my room to get the rest of the stuff.

"You know" my dad said, I turned around and looked at him. "I thought I could trust you better than this. I remember teaching you when you were really young that you do not lie to me! Do I need to re-teach you not to lie?!" I shook my head.

"You could have fooled me" my dad said "Now go get the rest of your stuff and bring it down." I brought the rest of the stuff down and handed it to my dad, who was having a beer at the table.

"Set it down there" my dad said pointing to the edge of the table. "and then pull up a seat." I put the stuff down and sat down across from him. He took a drink and then slid it my way.

"I can't keep you from drinking" my dad said to me leaning back on his chair and crossing his arms. "Sure, I could try. I could ground you for it or I could get really nasty and beat your ass for drinking, but I can't stop you." I looked at him. I was very confused by this. My dad grabbed the beer again and took another drink.

"I can't stop you and neither can the law. So here is how it will go. You want to drink, you really want to drink, there is always beer in the fridge, grab one. You don't like beer I will get you a wine cooler or something light. There will be no hard alcohol and you will not get drunk. You will have one or a sip of mine and that is it." I looked at my dad still very confused.

"You look confused" my dad said taking another sip.

"Well you are telling me I can drink." My dad shook his head.

"Not exactly. I am telling you that I cannot stop you, no matter what I do. But what I can do is watch your intake and watch you while you drink. You can have one if you really really want one but remember, whenever you have one I have the right to punish you, even if it is here, and the right to make whatever rule I want about the drinking."

"You want a sip?" my dad asked holding out his bottle. I shook my head. "Good" my dad said as he gave me a smile.

"Now go upstairs and change. Then bring me that god damn skirt you are wearing and whatever other clothes I wont approve of. And remember, you are on very thin ice with trust between me and you. You have a lot of trust to build up so I suggest that if you have any more of those type of clothes in your room you better bring them down too. If I see you wearing shit like that again trust will go down even more. Understand?" I nodded and went upstairs. I grabbed the skirt I was wearing, another mini skirt, and a shirt that showed most of my stomach when I wore it. My dad looked at the clothes, shook his head, and threw them in the garbage.

"It's late, why don't you go upstairs to bed." My dad said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you, kid." I smiled and went upstairs to bed.