Status: updates coming soon-ish =D



“But it’s raining- we won’t be able to see clearly.”

“The rain will wash away our scents so they won’t be able to smell us so easily.”
Yet again being incapable of coming up with something to say, Carrie didn’t reply. The silence, however awkward it may or may not be, didn’t bother her at all.

Deciding to go back to her original plan of heading to her room, she turned away again, and the man stood from his chair. Until this moment when she had been this close to him, Carrie hadn’t realized just how huge he was. Good sweet Mary mother of- well, anyway. She was suddenly feeling very small, weak, and intimidated. Then again, while there was nothing she could do about the first two, since her self neglect had caused that, the third, she couldn’t really explain except for the natural urge to avoid those that are bigger and badder than she was. As far as the past year was concerned, the fact that she was even acknowledging her self preservation instinct was a first for Carrie.

Taking a reflexive step back and away from him, if he noticed, he gave no indication, walking to a bag on the ground and picking it up. Compared to him, the thing looked tiny. Her current condition considered, she doubted that she could have lifted the thing two inches off the ground.
“You didn’t have a bag with you when I found you- It might be wise to pack a few things that you may need. The entire building is free of the infected, though I wouldn’t stray too far if I were you.”

Were it not that he was completely right about the ‘it’s not smart to go too far off on your own’ bit, she might have thought up some snappy retort to the implication that she couldn’t care for herself. Because, after all, she couldn’t.Barely. Duke was the only reason she was still even around these days. He had the uncanny ability to call it when those things were about to try and turn her into their next meal.

Then again, it was rather hard to not notice when there was a distinct lack of death stench around and then all of a sudden the smell of rotting flesh appeared and continued to get closer.

Hence the issue with the cities.Where once the stench of death was a valuable tool which could alert someone to the presence of the undead, now it was everywhere within the cities. Whether from the actual dead or the still walking kind of dead wasn’t an important detail that mattered much. The point was still the same. Scent was now rendered useless within the city. Though out in the open countryside it was still a valuable sense that was completely and utterly valuable, above sight and hearing.

However the implied instructions were smart- as long as she kept it light enough that it wouldn’t slow her down, packing a bag with basic stuff- a change of clothing, whatever, would be a good idea. She just had to make sure that it wouldn’t slow her down. Then again, if push came to shove she could simply drop the bag and run. But still.

The lady who’d lived in this apartment- and Carrie knew this due to the photos hanging on the walls- had been near her own current size. Which was way too small. Not that it was her number one priority, but still. She’d spent the vast majority of her time a few years before the outbreak commenting on the self esteem issues that the girls who were exceedingly tiny and skinny and pixie-like must be having, as she had lacked the understanding that some girls were actually able to eat like horses and stay that small, versus the eating disorders she’d been convinced they musthave had, or why else would they not be at a more ‘healthy’ weight.

Well wasn’t that irony a kick in the pants. Though, being malnourished did have its perks in the apocalypse.

Like not having to worry about when her period was going to be coming around, or the possibility of being found out more easily due to the, uh ‘blood trail’. It was actually a tremendous relief not having to worry about that.

Making quick work of the packing, with one pair of jeans, and two pairs of everything else, along with some other small basic necessities, Carrie was soon ready to be on her way. Quietly, she followed after Nikolai, Duke trailing right behind her, very aware that she was putting her life in the hands of a complete stranger.

She flinched at every single last noise, and was barely able to stand the sound of the trio’s breathing as they all made their way down the stairs, toward the main door of the building. He silently signaled that she and Duke were to wait there, and she grabbed a hold of his collar to make sure the brindled male didn’t take the liberty of following after him. Holding her breath, she nearly fainted with fright when he reappeared, having psyched herself out about a zombie throwing itself against the glass, desperate to get at her. Rather than fainting, she simply let out a shaky breath, waiting for him to silently motion her and Duke out before carefully and oh so quietly opening the door, slipping out into the street.
Standing in that street, a mundane task at best, was exceedingly creepy and mildly disturbing, knowing what had happened there. The piles and piles of bodies made testament to the horrors that had occurred not so long ago.

Corpses in varying stages of decay- a few looking depressingly fresh, though more or less unrecognizable. Maggots and worms and flies… gagging softly, Carrie covered her mouth and nose, focusing her eyes on the back of Nikolai as he led the way down the sidewalk, taking a moment to decapitate any bodies that they came across, just in case one of the infected were in some state of slumber sort of like hibernation. Until their prey unwittingly walked over one of them, stupidly assuming the bastard was a dead body, and they sprung like some sick Venus fly trap. The reflexes of the dead could be alarming.