Status: updates coming soon-ish =D



She had no idea how long she laid there, at the mercy of her own mind. There had been a few things that she had been aware of, but Carrie was too exhausted to care or wake up. Being moved to wherever she was. The water. That she was aware of. Her mind tortured her slowly, the screaming ringing in her ears incessantly. The parts of her brain were warring with each other as she slept. Once side wanted her to feel the appropriate emotion- fear. It was logical to feel fear; someone who she didn’t know had picked her up and made off someplace with her. But the other half, the side that was winning, was simply telling her that she should take advantage of the opportunity to sleep. If she was well rested, then she could better handle whatever happened when she was awake. Her chances were slimmer if she was tripping over herself in a sleepy haze. In fact, that was what had gotten her into this position in the first place. Her one comfort, aside from the soft thing she was lying in-she assumed it was a bed- was that Duke’s low voice was next to her, soothingly assuring her that everything was okay- that she was safe. For the moment, there was nothing she needed to worry herself with other than resting. That settled her down, as she drifted off to a deeper sleep, safe from even her own mind.

Having no ability to tell time while so deeply asleep, Carrie didn’t know how long she had been out of it. Hours, days, minutes, maybe seconds. It didn’t matter and Carrie didn’t care. When her body decided she was damn good and ready, she slowly woke up. The fact that the room was dark helped her adjust to the change in lighting, though even the dim glow that encompassed the room was almost too much to handle at first. Squinting, she slowly opening her eye, bit by bit, adjusting to the light. There was a bulb overhead, the main source of dim lighting, and a crack of light against the wall from where there was a break in the curtains, blocking the rest of the light from entering the room. Duke laid beside her, curled around her body protectively. Keeping her safe, as he always had, and hopefully would continue to do, even when they didn’t know what they were up against. Turning her body towards him, Carrie wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggling into the warm body. He in response place his heavy head over her neck, exhaling. After a few minutes, Carrie got smart, and remembered just what was going on. Right. She was somewhere, the exact location she didn’t know, and there was someone, who she also didn’t know, that wanted something with her, which she didn’t know what that was either. There wasway too many unknowns here for her liking. Kinda like physics. Actually, now was probably not the time to be comparing this obviously dangerous situation with a class which she learned nothing from. As her mind ran rampant with possible situations- none of them pleasant, because who in their right mind would help a complete stranger?-Carrie only served to further spook herself as her imagination went wild. She should be leaving. Now. Yeah, that was a good idea. Duke could only do so much- he probably wasn’t much better off than she was. Staring at the strip of light from the window, she watched as it dimmed, and then became distorted.

The sound of falling rain filled her ears. Carrie watched the dark spots in the light on the wall, sliding down, disappearing, only to be replaced by more each time. Like zombies. It seemed impossible to get rid of them… they were like the falling rain. Just when you thought it was over… that it was safe… but safety were childish ideals that no longer held concrete value anymore. Children used to be told that one day they’d be free to live a full, productive life. Become president, or the next famous actress or ballerina or whatever it was that they wanted to be. Now parents promised their children a future where they could safely walk down the street without getting eaten. With a heavy sigh, Carrie continued to stare at the wall, the rain softly pattering against the building. Hopefully it was only rain, and not thunder and lightning…

She jolted up when the door to the room opened, revealing a large man in the doorway. Fear and paranoia flooded her, wishing she’d taken those moments to escape rather than lying in bed watching the rain. Great. Now she wished he’d of left her to the zombies. At least they were kind enough to only want her body to feed themselves. Purely instinct driven, there was no ulterior motive. You got what you were given the zombies. People, they couldn’t be trusted if there was no blood relation… despite how much Carrie had been craving human companionship, Duke aside, this had not been what she’d had in mind. Quickly pushing herself to the edge of the bed, until she hit the headboard, she watched the man wide-eyed, the fear and worry couldn’t have been clearer if she’d written them across her face with sharpie.

He seemed to pick up on that, and for once, Carrie was glad she was wrong when it came to her habit of jumping the gun.

“Everything is okay- you are safe here.” There was some sort of accent, but Carrie couldn’t place it, having not been the worldliest person in her years. She flinched slightly, her brain taking a second to process the fact that it had just suddenly been assaulted with having to actually work and recognize what just was said. After the initial shock passed, Carrie was finally able to comprehend what happened, but still wasn’t sure what to make of this situation, now that her fight-or-flight plan was becoming exceedingly more worthless. Or maybe not. This could all just be a ploy… yeah, that was probably it. Get her to trust him, or something like that. No way any of this was out of the goodness of his heart. Something was probably wrong with him- who takes in a random stranger who they know absolutely nothing about? No sane person. On the flip side, how was he suppose to know she wasn’t some crazy bitch who got off on killing people and making other’s lives miserably because of what happened to her? Not that she was crazy. Nope, she was completely fine. Maybe a little gun shy at loud noises, but other than that, everything was right in the head- she was smart for not trusting him. He was stupid for trusting her, even if in her current condition she was too weak to do anything.