Status: updates coming soon-ish =D



She hated being a woman sometimes. Actually, not sometimes- most of the time. It was a pain in the ass. But whatever, she had the cards she was dealt, and she was going to play them the best she could. Wait a second- Oh no! Panic anew flooded her, pulling her hair over he shoulder, fingering through the matted mess, desperately searching. Oh hell oh hell oh hell. She honestly felt like crying when she realized it was gone, not anywhere in her hair. Praying she was wrong, she continued her frantic prying, not helping the matted appearance of her hair any, but she didn’t care at all about that.

Running out of ideas of where it could be, and increasingly coming up with more ideas of how she could put the hurt on that man for taking it, she turned to the pile of clothes, her mind paralyzed by fear as she prayed she was wrong, and that it was here, somewhere. It had to be- it had to be. Flinging the jeans back, probably a little more dramatically than necessary, her heart stopping for a second, before seeing the little white and red clip in ribbon. A long, heavy sigh slowly drained out of her as she held the insignificant looking ribbon between two fingertips. Yes, she’d been upset at the idea of loosing the clip in, but she hadn’t realized just to what extent until now.

But, there was no need to focus on that. She had her ribbon, and that was the important part. With shaking hands, Carrie turned on one foot, towards the mirror, ever so carefully putting the large ribbon back in. Grasping the edge of the vanity sink, she looked at herself, for the first time in a long time, in the mirror. She was trying to calm herself. Apparently Carrie had for some reason gotten the idea that seeing what she looked like after months of living out in the woods would help calm her. It didn’t. On the plus side, it didn’t stress her out either. It was simply odd- There was a stranger staring back at her. The same eyes, granted they were surrounded by bags and bruises and just general discoloration, but that was something that she couldn’t control. Well, that was a lie. If she bothered with sleep on a regular basis… but, now was not the time. Her hair… sweet almighty, she didn’t even want to mess with that… though it certainly looked better than what it had likely been when mister foreignman had found and bathed her (which was an odd thought by itself). While Carrie hadn’t physically seen the miserable excuse of hair, she had, through old habit, gotten a feel of it as she ran her fingers through it. Not that that, in any way shape or form had coerced her into bathing.

After a while she’d gotten too exhausted to want to mess with breaking into a house, and ponds were hit and miss as far as being clear of zombies long enough to bathe was concerned- some of the creepy bastards would just be under the water, suspended in some sort of twisted hibernation until given appropriate provocation to wake up. As in a completely unarmed Carrie who’d decided that it was a good idea to bathe in a pond. Which under normal circumstances, yes, it would be smart. Not in the apocalypse. No, that had been one lesson she’d learned the first time, and she’d never gotten the courage to try again after nearly passing out in fear as the shock set in.

It was obvious that the apocalypse hadn’t been kind to Carrie, though half of the damage was simply done through self neglect, as it was easier to keep going as opposed to taking the time to care for her needs. Despite her less-than-stellar appearance at the moment, Carrie was, now that she took the time to notice, feeling much better. Turns out the simple act of sleeping had improved her mood by a landslide. It had simply been far too long since she had slept for longer than an hour at a time, with some noise waking her up. Honestly, she was worse than an easily spooked horse. Pushing herself away from the mirror, and looking away from her reflection, Carrie yawned, still somewhat tired, even with the days worth of sleep. She didn’t bother with washing her hands- there were nastier things to be exposed to then germs.

Opening the door, and stepping out, she closed it behind her, not wanting her space to be any more open than necessary. The dark light from the raining sky, only allowed in due to the windows. She was almost feeling even drowsier, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain… It was so soothing, satisfying a base instinct for comfort within her. Hopefully it would only rain, and the sky wouldn’t feel the need to make those loud noises… Carrie didn’t like the thunder and lightning, they were loud- why did they have to be so loud? She didn’t understand the purpose of it, but there was nothing she could do other than hope that the powers that be would choose to spare her from the loud noises that constantly seemed to plague her. Maybe sleep was a good idea… it was dark enough to pass for sleep time, if she was lucky, Carrie could sleep right through the storm. Well that was the idea. Likely though, if there was a clap of thunder loud enough, it’d wake her right up from whatever she’d been dreaming about. While originally she’d been debating exploring the apartment- surely it’d been fortified? He wouldn’t just leave himself open, would he? Even she knew that!- trying to get more sleep seemed like a much better idea than that. At the large windows however, she couldn’t help but look down, at the street below.

The rain blurred most of the details, but she knew that more than likely, all the ‘people’ she was seeing were undead- why else would they just be lumbering around in the rain without paying any mind to it? A human would be scurrying around like a mouse from hole to hole, dodging all the cats that wanted nothing more than to eat it. Like this, they almost looked normal… a twinge of remorse went out for them, for what they’d lost, the pain their families must have endured. But it was gone as soon as it came. They’d simply been to unfit to survive, and unfortunately had to suffer the consequences without having the good fortune of dying in the process.

Sleep yet again managed to make its way to the forefront of her mind, beating back hunger and whatever other needs she was feeling- all she wanted was more sleep. With a sigh, she turned from the window, retracing her steps back into the bedroom, where Duke was waiting for her. Carrie gratefully slid back into the covers, snuggling up to him, before falling asleep to the sound of the rain. If there was an actual storm, she was unaware, as Carrie’s sleep for once was blissful and dreamless. A never ending span of blackness in all directions.