Status: updates coming soon-ish =D



For once, Carrie woke up to sunshine in her face. Blinking rapidly, she wasn’t entirely sure what to make of that- the sky was normally always the same dull shade of grey, regardless of if it rained or not, or thundered or not, or lightning or not. Sunshine was new, and she wasn’t exactly sure what to make of it. Pushing the covers back, she shakily moved towards the window. A ghost like feeling of warmth spread over her skin, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment of peace the sun’s warm rays brought her. After the moment passed, as she had glanced over to Duke, her eyes had focused past him, and onto a bowl sitting on the nightstand. That hadn’t been there when she had fallen asleep, which meant that foreign man had had something to do with it. Her stomach snarled ferociously at her, to the point that she didn’t even care if there was something wrong with the food. If he spiked it or whatever, oh well. Making a bee line for the food, she paid no mind to anything, not giving two flips that it was cold one bit. There was absolutely no grace in her table manners, which she supposed was her own fault, but actual food wasn’t exactly something she’d easily been able to come across out in the wilderness. For the most part it had just been ants and berries. Insect wasn’t actually as gross as people made it seem, but still, but no means were they Carrie’s first choice in food. This soup, on the other hand, cold as it might be, was a blessing after all the crap she’d eaten. Besides that, she hadn’t truly eaten any food in the past week or two- winter was coming, so the berries were dying and it was getting harder and harder to find the bugs. But that wasn’t a problem or a priority for the moment. When she finished, taking merely seconds to devour the entire bowl full of food, Carrie set it down, and waited to start feeling the effects of some type of drug or something. But nope. A few minutes passed, and nothing occurred.

Fine, maybe mister foreign man did deserve some brownie points, but still, it was never a bad thing to make sure she ensured her and Duke’s safety. That was key. Friendly relations could come at a later time, when things like not getting eaten alive were no longer number one priority on top of everything else in existence. Full and content, she laid down next to Duke, who she noticed had one of those dog bone things in his mouth. She sure was being lazy… that really wasn’t like her… four days, she’d done nothing but eat, sleep, and goto the bathroom. There were many, many things she could have gotten done in those four days. What, she didn’t know, but more could have been done than simply sitting around on her ass. Her gaze drifted towards the door, wondering if mister foreign guy was the only one here. Unconscious of the action, she gently fingered the white ribbon, calming the slight anxiety that popped up as a whole new slew of ideas arrived, centered mostly around a demonic family that played the role of the kind, hospitable host, and played it well, before prayed on their victim when they were least expecting it.

Eventually she shifted into a sitting position, opening the window above her bed and staring out of it. Sometimes she was actually paying attention to what was going on around behind her, other times she was off in her own little world, taking a stroll down memory lane. Before long there was another knock on the door.

Having, at the time, been trapped within the confines of her own mind, Carrie spooked and jumped about a foot in the air, whipping around to see the man standing in the doorway.
“You are malnourished. Need to eat.” His accent was thick as he spoke, and again Carrie tried to place it but was unable to since she wasn’t exactly used to being exposed to accents aside from those of the people who lived in the area. Then again, to her it wouldn’t be an accent, since it was completely normal. Oh god, she was getting a headache just thinking about this.

Looking at his hands, he had two MREs. Clearly he wasn’t sure if she would reject any attempts at interaction like she had last time, deflecting his questions or just downright ignoring them. But, at some point, Carrie she figured she needed to play nice if she didn’t want him to eventually just tire of her and kill her in her sleep. Or while she was awake. In her current state, there really wouldn’t be anything she could do, if he suddenly became so inclined as to kill her.

Not giving her too much time to say anything in response, he set the food down on the small night table next to the doorframe, before leaving and shutting the door behind him. Okay, so apparently he’d learned from last time. Not that he looked like a dejected puppy that wanted nothing more than a belly rub and head pat, but he was, understandably so, assuming she wasn’t going to be any more pacified than last time.

After a few minutes of watching the door, she got up, carefully going to the food. As it was still sealed, there was no way he could have tampered with anything. Then again, even when he’d of had the perfect opportunity to tamper (the soup), he hadn’t. Fine. Even though it wasn’t her smartest move, she’d trust him. For now. Chances were, they’d part ways and she’d never see him again, and that was just fine with her.

Or so she kept telling herself. However, she knocked off the attachment simply due to the fact that she hadn’t seen another person in quiet some time (Duke aside). She needed to move on, try to find one of the colonies she’d heard rumors about. Sure, she could always go back home, but-

No. no.She was not thinking about that now- nope, it wasn’t happening. Instead, she focused on filling her belly, something which she really hadn’t been able to do for quiet some time. Though for the most part it was through sheer neglect, as it was too dangerous to go hunting around in convenience stores. Those freaking little bell things let every inhabitant within a block know someone was in there. Or breaking the glass, which wouldn’t work. Well, it would, but then that brought everything within earshot running and shambling towards the source.

It had been easier for her to just keep going. Apartments were dangerous to raid, and homes had too many hidey holes where an infected could sneak up on some unsuspecting sap.

So to have food that she didn’t have to risk fighting a hoard of zombies over it was the answer to her prayers. While she munched on one bag, she tore open the second and fed it to Duke- he was likely just as hungry as she was, and she needed to make sure he was well fed. Too soon, the food was gone. Not that she was still hungry, but just that she’d actually had food with her. Then again, she’d barely been able to eat any of the food- her stomach having gotten use to only the bare minimum to keep going for quiet some time, it didn’t allow her to eat much before she was feeling oddly full and very sluggish, with still just over half of the food left over. Duke happily downed the rest once Carrie fed it to him. Curling up to Duke, she spent a good amount of time simply dozing, catching up on the sleep she’d been so deprived of, Carrie eventually got up, realizing she couldn’t just live in the bedroom for the rest of her life.

The foreign man was in the living room, staring down his scope out the window. Sniping? Wasn’t that a waste of both time and ammunition? It wasn’t like he could really make a dent in the population any.

Shifting her weight awkwardly, she wasn’t sure how to begin- after all, she’d kinda maybe possibly had been a complete and total bitch earlier by absolutely snubbing him.