Status: In the works :)

IM in Love

Chapter Four

On Saturday morning, Erica decided that she needed to call him. She felt terrible for acting that way towards him, but her heart still ached from his actions. Erica dialed his number in a blur. He picked up and she poured her heart out to him in a matter of secconds

“Wrighter, I’m so sorry for acting that way yesterday. You didn’t deserve that. I lov... I liked you so much before I found out who you really are. I just was upset that you didn’t tell me and that I thought that you’d think that I was a gold digger for liking you because you’re famous. Which I’m not and I won’t.”

“It’s okay, haha. I’m so sorry too. I was going to call because I miss the sound of your voice, but you beat me to it. I really like you, too. I understand if you’re mad at me, but I would never ever think that.” Wrighter reassured her.

“So.... Where do you and I stand now?” She giggled into the phone.

“The concert in Atlanta tomorrow night. Head to the airport in Nashville and I’ll arrange for a jet to pick you up.” I could almost hear his smile in his voice as he got off the phone.

“Omigod. What am I going to wear?” She said to herself.

Erica hopped into her yellow VW Beetle and went straight to the mall across town. She got a strapless yellow, slightly puffy dress with a black belt, that went to her mid-thigh, with a black leather jacket, and black stiletto pumps.

She was too excited to sleep that night. She rolled over 4 hours later to see that it was 3am. Her flight leaves in exactly 9 hours. Erica woke up at six to start packing. Once she was done she took a shower and brushed her teeth. After getting ready the clock said 11am. She hopped into her car and drove for 30 minutes to get to the airport. When she boarded she was suprised to see that she was seated in first class.

“Ladies and Gentleman, please keep your seatbelts on and stay seated until futher notice. Thank you.” The captain said over the intercom.

From that moment on, Erica knew that she was going to have the time of her life.