Status: Meh. If I want to I'll dump more.



I cried out in pain and cradled my throbbing limb as another quake of pain shot through my left knee again. It felt as though someone was twisting a hot iron rod into m knee. Tearless cries sounded out of me as the panic drove through my body. I couldn’t cry tears, but that didn’t stop me from crying out in pain. I lay in the middle of the winding street leading up to the Carnegie Library, as my young friend, Emma, told me that I had to get out of the street as cars started to drive by. An angry growl escaped my lips as I watched them fly by.

People drove by, leaving me in the street, not sparing a second glance. The ground was hard, cold, and unforgiving. Tiny bits of rock and dirt had lodged themselves in the scrapes that I had obtained thirty seconds before. They stung a little, but nothing was compared to the burning in my knee. Through sheer force of will, I tried to stand. It felt like the hot iron drove deeper, and oddly enough, my knee felt numb, almost like it were a noodle. I fell back onto the ground with another hiss of pain.

“I can’t, Emma!” I hissed through clenched teeth. It was not just because I was in agony, I was furious at the people that had just driven on by, leaving a fourteen year old girl in pain in the middle of the street. “I can’t stand! I can’t get up” I lay there for another few minutes until my savior came and rescued me from my precarious situation. All I could feel was pain, misery, humiliation, and a blinding fury.

Five minutes earlier

Emma and I were walking to her house from the library. It was a Friday the thirteenth of August, 2010. The sun was hidden behind the clouds. It darkened the world, but it made me more aware of all the colors that were around us. The air slowly cooled, as fall was on the way and school was to start soon. Instead of walking down the winding street leading up to the library, Emma and I had decided to walk down the hill where the stairs used to reside, but were there no more. The hill was steep. It revealed some rocks on the bottom of the hill, and the grass was laden with some small wildflowers and lush green grass. The hill was shaded by some trees that hung overhead. It was late afternoon, and I could hear the cars that sped down the streets.

In a hurry to get back to Emma’s house, I rushed down the hill. Intent on leaping in the street in a showy way to impress Emma, I raced down the rest of the hill and took a flying leap into the street below. I found it a good idea, as there was no traffic. I landed in the street and took note of the way the trees leered overhead. In a split second, my knee gave a sharp pain on all sides. Time began to slow as my knee collapsed from under me. The joint in my leg felt as if it were made of elastic, not completely there, but I felt the burning, I felt the tearing from inside. My mind went blank, and I could only take in what my senses were telling me. I could hear the air whoosh past my ears as I fell. My mouth had gone dry as my body plummeted. I smelled the musky scent that grass gave and the bitter-sweet scent of pollen from the flowers that were around me. Their smell seemed to penetrate the air as I fell. I saw the sun trying to peak out form the clouds as I looked upwards. I felt the tearing of my skin as I tried to brace my fall. The world seemed to fall down with me as I hit the cold cement. As I landed, the world seemed to spin. My arm was scraped, but I paid no mind to it. I glanced at my leg and cried out in pain and in horror. My knee seemed to pop out at a horrifying length. I shut my eyes, as if to make the sight disappear. I wanted to vomit. I felt nauseous as I thought of my knee. A feeling of dread crept up inside of my gut as I lay there in the street as the cars drove by without sparing me a second glance.
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20 September 2011
True story bro.