Status: Meh. If I want to I'll dump more.



Lontra was being followed. They hid in the same place they always did thinking that she wouldn’t notice. This has been going on ever since she was to be named queen of The City Upon the Waves when she was seven. Actually, even before that, she has been followed ever since that day on the dock. Either way it was not her idea to be to even be queen; it was supposed to be her older sister Agua. Never in the kingdom was a second born to be ruler. But, according to Rapague she was “destined” to be queen. Lontra needed to find a way to ditch the guards and see Tide. Lontra and Tide have been best friends ever since she was three.
Tide and Lontra met one day when Lontra wandered away from her family to see the nearby dolphins. She got too close and fell in. Of course nobody noticed. They were too busy getting their photos taken. But someone did. A boy with golden hair and diamond eyes, no older than five dove in and saved Lontra. The king heard the commotion and came over to see that the young boy saved his daughter.
“You saved my daughter’s life I owe you something in return.” Said the king
“Will you let my father and I work in the palace?” Asked the dripping boy.
“Of course my boy!” Said the king in a booming voice, scaring everyone on the dock.
Lontra walked over to the boy and asked “What is your name?”
“My name is Tide.” Said the boy heroically.
“You saved me. We will be best friends forever.”
And they have been. Lontra ditched the guards the usual way. She rounded a corner and before the guards could notice, climbed up the walls using the curtains as a rope and hid in the corner of the celling. The guards walked past.
“They fall for that every time!” Said Lontra to herself with a mischevious smile.
With no time to waste, Lontra jumped from her hiding place and landed perfectly on her feet. She went back the way she came and went out to the garden.
“It took you long enough!” said Tide
“Had… to find…. A….halway….” panted Lontra.
“Ready for the lessons? Or are you too tired?”
“I’m ready as I’ll ever be!”
“Ok, lets go!”
Lontra has been secretly taking sword fighting lessons from Tide. She has also taken secret lessons on how to swim. Lontra is very good at both of those things even better than Tide. But, before they could even start, Lontra’s father walked out onto the garden.
The king looked down at Tide with a sorrowful face “Tide I am very sorry but, your father has died.”
Tide dropped his sword his eyes started to fill with tears and he quickly looks away to avoid unneeded attention “W-what? How?”
“He was on a mission and pirates attacked his ship. I am sorry but I will have to send you to finish your father’s mission.”The king looked disappointed in having to send Tide away just after his father died. “You leave tomorrow”
“Tide, I am so sorry.” Said Lontra, giving him a hug.
When the king left Lontra was trying to comfort Tide again.
“Hey, I am really sorry.”
“I know. It isn’t your fault. He’s dead NOTHING can change that.” Said Tide in an apathetic voice.
“Maybe I could come with you on your mission.” She said. “I’ll help you feel better and I can be a big h-“
Tide cut her off “No, I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
The next morning, Tide was getting ready to leave. He was looking all over to say goodbye to Lontra but she was nowhere to be found. Before he left, the king told him his mission, to take the Book of Destiny to a nearby island. But when he got the chest holding the book, it was heavier than he thought.
Lontra was in the chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this back in 8th grade... I feel so old. I actually plan on doing something with this story line... I will definately change everything... I KNOW IT SUCKS.