Status: We Owned the Night

Never Falling (John's Story)


Melody put her Jeep in park as she pulled up to the house, John's SUV was still gone which meant he still had to be at work. She was kind of relieved, she grabbed her purse and got out to walk into the house. Duchess' and Babe Magnet came rushing towards her, the bigger one nearly knocking her down.

"Calm down girls!" she squeaked trying to get them to stop bouncing around. She refused to use Babe Magnets full name and just called her Babe. She lead the dogs to the kitchen to get dinner started for her and the dogs since it was a quarter after seven. She started to boil a pot of water before picking up the two dog bowls, and just as she started to scoop up their food she heard the door fly open.

"Oh John!!" she heard a female voice yell from the entry way. Melody glared in that direction before she sat the bowls down. The dogs took off barking and growling, Melody following after. A woman was shooing the dogs away when she approached the entry way. She was tall, dark haired, and she had giant boobs...least the shirt that was a little to tight made it appear that way. The woman looked up and her eyes narrowed on Melody.

"Who are you? And where's John?" she asked rather rudely.

"I should be the one asking who you are." Melody snapped back.

"My name's Michelle. And I am here to visit John like I do every time I come home."

"Right, well he hasn't mentioned you."

"Oh well I'll just make myself at home till he gets home for work. So who are you and why are you here?"

"I'm Melody, and I live here for the time being."

"Live here? Look let's get one thing straight. John is mine, so don't go making moves on him, they'll be useless, he wants me and only me."

"You don't have to be having sex and be "making moves" to live with someone." Melody said. Duchess was still quietly growling, well least the dog had good taste.

"Well I'm just making sure you get the rules."

"Rules? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Look go back to doing what you were doing, I'll lead myself to his room and wait for him." Michelle said before she headed upstairs. Melody gritted her teeth and pulled out her cellphone.

"Is something wrong?" John asked the second he answered her call.

"Yeah some skank is upstairs in your room, thought I'd warn you before you come home to a dead body."

"Skank? Body? Melody wha-shit it's Michelle isn't it?"

"Yeah, you know you could have been honest and told me you had a girlfriend, or fuck buddy. So that why I could have been prepared for the fangs and claws."

"She isn't my girlfriend, and I've been trying to get her to stop just dropping by. I'm sorry you had to deal with her, she isn't the friendliest."

"Uh ya think? Look whatever you two do tonight is none of my business, but remember I get up at six every morning so I don't want to hearing anything. Fair warning." she snapped before hanging up on him and stuffing her phone back into her pocket in anger. She began to hear something sizzle before she remembered she had water boiling, she ran into the kitchen to see her water was most defiantly boiling...all over the burner. She turned it down real low before grabbing her box of mac and cheese and tossed in the noodles catching the cheese powder before in went in as well. Babe woofed down at her feet also reminding her she had yet to feed them.

"Ugh well this has been an eventful ten minutes." she said before grabbing the dog food again.