Status: My first Big Time Rush story! I hope you like it! Comment and let me know (:

Any Kind of Guy

One Shot: Any Kind Of Guy

"Kendall you seriously need to cut back on the coffee. You're never going to sleep again." Logan laughed as we walked into Starbucks. "James was the one that wanted Starbucks. I wanted a smoothie" Kendall laughed as him and Carlos went to go and order drinks for everyone.

Logan disappeared to the bathroom as I walked over to the book shop next door. The only other person in the store was an older lady sitting behind the counter reading her magazine. I walked over to a section of books just looking around until I heard the door chimes ring and the lady at the counter sigh.

"You're 15 minutes late Brielle," she scorned. "I know I'm really sorry. My car wouldn't start and so I had to call someone to pick me up, this morning just hasn't been working out for me." The lady nodded and set her magazine down to pick up her purse and leave. I looked around some more until I heard a phone go off and turned to see the girl, Brielle, pick it up.

"Hey Sam. I can't really talk right now I'm at--" she was cut off by him soon to sigh and respond. "Is it really that important?" She sat and listened for a little while. Soon she spoke again, softer. "What do you mean? You're breaking up with me. . .for Anna? My friend Anna?" Soon a few tears slipped and slid down her cheek. "Whatever Sam. Goodbye." And she hung up. She wiped away her tears as I walked up to her.

"Are you okay?" she gasped slightly and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. "When did you get in here?" I slowly walked all the way to the counter. "I've been here longer than you, but you didn't answer my question."

"I'm just peachy. You know it's just been a perfect day." She signed and laid her head in her arms on the counter.

"I guess that was a stupid question. You know I bet he's a total jerk. I mean to break up with you for your friend and everything." She looked up slowly. "I guess you heard everything, huh?" I smiled sheepishly. "I'm James." I said sticking my hand out for her.

"I'm Brielle." She smiled slowly. "I know I've only known you for a few minutes, but you should smile more. You have a beautiful smile." As the words flew from my mouth her smile turned into a blush. As I was about to say more I heard a knock on the door to see Logan, Kendall, and Carlos outside.

"Well that's my ride. But if you should call me sometime. Here." I said as I reached for a scrap piece of paper and a pen and quickly wrote my name and number to hand her. "Bye."
She didn't say anything as I walked away but secretly I wished I could of gotten her number too. She seemed sweet and not bitchy like so many pretty girls.


As the days passed and I never got a phone call or text message I finally gave up and knew she wasn't going call me. I don't think I'd ever been so frustrated that I didn't get a girl's number. She felt different. Brielle, surely a different name. "Dude, why are you so hung up on this girl?" Logan asked as I tossed my cell phone on the couch and laid down beside it.

"I don't even know. She just seemed unlike any other girl I'd ever met. And I had only talked to her for a few minutes." Logan rolled his eyes and he flipped through he channels. "You know what I'm just gonna go see if she is at the bookstore. I'll see you later." I said as I walked to the door.

Pulling up to the bookstore I saw her. Sitting at the counter typing away on her laptop. The door chimed as I walked in and she didn't even look up until I walked over to her. "Can I help yo--" She stopped when she saw me. "James."

"Brielle," I smiled. "Can I, uh, help you with anything?" She said biting her lip. "Nope, I just came by to see you." Her eye brows scrunched and I laughed. "What are you working on?" She looked back at her computer. "Oh nothing, just a paper for English class." I nodded and looked around.

"So why are you really here?" I heard as I turned back to look at her. "What is coming to see you not good enough?" She looked at me funny, "Why would you come and see me? We've spoken for about 5 minutes..." she said slowly.

"I know! And it could of been more if you would of called me--" She cut me off to say something like she had lost the paper. "No worries. I just wanted to get to know you." Her smile slowly got bigger. I have never felt a draw to anyone else like this. Ever. "So how are Sam and Anna?" She slightly frowned. "Oh, fine I guess." She said rubbing the back of her head. "Well you can do better than him. Trust me." She rolled her eyes. "And to start you out how about we go to dinner Friday Night." She looked back up at me from the computer screen she had started to skim for mistakes.

"What?" She asked with confusion in her voice. "You. Me. Dinner. Friday Night?" She shook her head no. "The last thing I need is to date right now. I have to get back to work. Sorry."

I sighed and walked out. I can't believe I was just rejected by her. But the last thing I'm gonna do is let her say no. If she doesn't want to date. Then we can be friends. I'll just wait. I'll be any kind of guy she wants me to be. Whether it be Best Friend or Boyfriend. I can tell she is special and I can't let her go.


After that day I come in the same time everyday. We just talk and hang out, there never seems to be anyone in the bookshop except for a person here or there. Brielle really started to open up. "I've just had a really hard time lately. My last few boyfriends have either cheated on me or decided they liked my friends more than me. I'm just tired of all them." She sighed. "Yeah, they are total jerks. They are really missing out on a special girl leaving you." She blushed. "Whatever you say James." After talking for a while I looked at the clock and it was 3. "Well, you get off in 5 minutes, wanna go get something to eat?"

She looked at me almost as if she was trying to see if there was a hidden message somewhere in my words but seemed not to be able to find any. "Sure," she said smiling and got her jacket from the chair and locked up the store. Her friend had dropped her of so we took my car. We ended up going to a small burger restaurant. She walked away to use the bathroom, but left her phone on the table. I took it as my chance to get her number. First I saved my number under "James(;" and called myself so I got hers. And set it back where it was just as she was walking out.

We ordered and our food came soon after. We ate and talked for over an hour, it was 4:55 by the time we left. I dropped her off at her house and drove home. As soon as I got home I sent her a text.

When did you save your number into my phone and how did you get mine?
Well you left for phone when you went to the (:
Of Course I did, hahaha.
Yeah..So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again, maybe tomorrow night?
There was a long break before she texted be back.
As friends?
I just had to keep telling myself, if I want to date her I'm going to have to be any kind of guy she wants me to be, even if it's just friends.
Sure, why not. I'll pick you up at 8. Wear comfy clothes


I picked Brielle up and took her to the bowling alley. "I haven't bowled since my 9th birthday party James..." She said as soon as we pulled up. "No worries, that's why I'm here." She smiled sweetly my way as we walked up, I opened the door for her as we walked in. I paid for the shoes and 3 games, though she tried to pay for herself. I wouldn't let her.

The alley was almost empty and there were two rooms so we got our own. I started out with a spare. Her first 2 balls were gutters, so on her next turn I helped her guide the ball straight down the middle for a perfect strike. She looked up at me into my eyes, and stepped away from me. I had to remember we were only friends. Though I was going to try and change that tonight.

She won the first game with my help, but I won the second one, and she won the last one by 1 pin. "Ha! I win. I won two games you only won one." She said smiling doing a little happy dance. "I totally helped you win the first game so we tied." I said winking at her. "Yeah you keep telling yourself that, buddy." She laughed. Her laugh and smile made me melt. I don't know how much longer I can do this.

After we got some ice cream we sat in the car and talked until I drove her home. I walked with her up to the front door and she hugged me and thanked me for a great night. As she was about to walk away and go back inside I pulled her back.

"Wait. I wanna say something first okay?" She looked at me questionably and nodded.

"Here I am and there you are, why does it seem so far? Next to you is where I want to be." She looked at me with even more confusion then before. "What are you talking about James, you are standing next to me?"

"This is something I want so bad, it's to know what's inside your head. Then maybe I could see what you see." When she started to talk I stopped her and continued. "I've got to keep on believing that everything takes time...Brielle, I'll make up any reason to make you mine." Instead of trying to interrupt again she just kind of stood there listening to me talk.

"If you're staying or leaving, I'll follow your lead. So why keep pretending? Brielle, open your eyes, I can be what you need. Any kind of guy you want, that's the guy I'll be, I'll turn myself upside down."

She laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. She looked up at me slowly. "I don't want you to change for me James. You're the perfect guy already." Slowly I leaned down to kiss her. Making the perfect moment, even more perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is based off the song Any Kind Of Guy by Big Time Rush. I hope you like it! Comments are always great and I love to see what people think!!
