I Will Never Forget

The only one

I stared at the rain drops that were slowly falling down the window. One by one they fell to the end, never to be seen again. In bits of the window I could see myself. My blue eyes were sparkling with despair. My black hair was softly draped over my eye but it was still a mess. Strands in the wrong place showed that I had a rough night.
"Garrett?" I searched for him stumbling on rough rocks every few seconds.
"Garrett?" I yelped again.
"Caroline? I'm here!" I listened to the voice. It matched Garrett. Smooth and clear. Yeah, that was him.
"Where are you? Garrett, where the hell are you?!" I screamed, yelling for help.
"I'm only in your heart," Was he crying? No, Garrett never cries.
"What?" I couldn't believe what he was saying.
"I'm no longer with you on the outside. I'm-" I didn’t want him to finish his horrid sentence.
"NO! You can't be... dead! NO! Oh God- you can't be gone. I NEED YOU!" I screamed and fell to the ground. He was gone. My only love has died and the only thing left of him was a voice.
"I’m sorry Caroline. It wasn't my choice. It was to protect you," His voice became soft and gentle like the way he would touch my face when I was crying.
"I wish I could see you again," I cried out to the voice. That’s when a breeze hit my face. I looked up and saw him. I studied his features. It was only the wind mimicking his beautiful structure, leading me to believe that it was my only love.
"It's not the same Garrett," I wiped my tear stained face slowly, feeling each tear reach my finger tips.
"I will always be in your heart," His sweet and tender voice sang.
"Why, did it have to be you?" I pleaded, throwing my head up. I look at the stars in the midnight sky.
"Caroline, I know this is hard. Trust me, I do. You just have to stay strong," Those two words rang in my head. Those were the same words he would always say to me as I cried in his arms. This is time, I cried alone.
"Stay Strong," I repeated.
"I love you," The voice whispered.
"I love you too," I answered.
I slowly stopped crying. It took all my might, but I did.
"Why did you have to die... why you?" I asked the sweet voice.
There was silence but finally, the voice spoke. "It was my time," It whispered.
I couldn't say a word. I was too numb inside to think. I felt a small touch on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head. There was a hand. It touched my cheek and pushed the hair out of my face.
"Garrett..." I whispered. It was his hand.
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