Casual ***

Picking Sides

Alex looked at me with a mixture of confusion and anger, "What do you mean it's complicated? Why would you leave with him?" "You really don't remember that night?" Zack asked. Alex shook his head no and I said, "maybe we should talk about it." The thought of it made me nervous, but I knew it was the best thing we could do.

"When we first got there," I started, "the place was packed. Jack and Joe were being their obnoxious selves and knocked over a table." Alex chimed in, "I remember that. There was glass everywhere. We all got yelled at for it." "Yeah, you were really irritated," Zack added. I shook my head and continued, "we all took a couple shots after things calmed down and started dancing. You had a few more than everyone else." "Mhm," he commented so we'd know he was listening. "That's when yous tarted getting really mad," Zack said. "Why?" Alex asked. "You really don't remember much," Zack continued, "you were dancing with Leila, but started acting sloppy. She left."

I knew Zack didn't want to admit to the whole night as much as I didn't, but we needed to. "When you were dancing another girl started dancing with you. I was jealous, but I didn't really want to act like that. I ended up dancing with Zack," I said. Zack added, "we were both sitting alone. It seemed like fun until we all drank more." I tried to search for an expression in Alex's face, but there wasn't one. He was just listening intently. "We were dancing too close then and you came over," Zack continued, "you told me to leave her alone." I continued, "Yeah, I said I was having a good time, and you took me to a room seperate from everyone else. You asked if I liked Zack and I told you 'more than you at the moment.'" "There's more behind that," Zack said. I looked at him confused before he started talking again, "I whispered something to you before you took Leila. I told you she deserved someone better and I told you how I felt about her." "Which is?" Alex asked. "I still like her," Zack said cautiously, "a lot." "Oh," Alex responded.

"When the two of us were in the room you called me a slut and told me you never wanted to see me again," I continued again, "you wouldn't stop drinking either. I begged you to stop; you were on the verge of passing out. That's when I went and got Rian." "She was so upset when she came to Rian and me," Zack started where I left off, "She was crying and after Rian figured out what she was saying he went to find you. He told me to take care of her, which I was obviously going to do." I looked at Alex and could see the guilt in his eyes.

I decided to keep explaining, "Zack just hugged me and let me cry, then he said we should probably leave. Neither of us were in the mood to socialize, and I didn't really want to be seen like that. We went back to your band bus." "I still don't understand why you two went that far," Alex said. "The dress I was wearing was really uncomfortable. Zack lent me shorts and a t-shirt. He accidently walking in on me changing and things just got worse," I answered. "You and I never even went that far," he said looking straight at me completely ignoring Zack's presence. "I know. You were always talking to other girls though," I said.

"It's not like we planned this," Zack butted in, "plus we had a past and I haven't had a relationship since I was with Leila." "We didn't have a relationship," I said looking up at him. "Just because we didn't have a label doesn't mean there wasn't one," Zack said. I was shocked by him saying that, but I coudln't figure out exactly how I felt. I wished things would have been said that simple before I starting spending time with Alex.
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I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted! I lost my notebook, but I found it yesterday. The next chapter will be up within the next few days:)
Please comment. It means a lot to me when you guys do!