‹ Prequel: Twin Witches I
Status: Updated very...very...slowly (sorry for that) Comment though and we will be more motivated to update! <3

Twin Witches II

Chapter 1

Ivy’s POV

“Ivy! Up we’re going to be late!” Mum yelled at me.

“Ok, mum I’m up, I’m up,” I yell back. I stretch and step out of my bed I quickly get changed I quickly slide on the bracelet that looks like a feather that mum bought for me for Christmas last year and run down the stairs of the house, I’ve grown fond of. I run into the kitchen to find Mum and Oak both ready to go back to Gratearia.

“Morning Mum,” I say yawning she hands me some vegemite toast and I eat quickly. Once I was done I went upstairs to grab my phone my iPod, my laptop and my suitcase and rush back downstairs with the suitcase bumping up and down on every step. I come outside and meet them. A taxi soon pulls up in front of us and we put our suitcases in the back. I sit down on the seat on the left side of the backseat of the taxi. And open up my laptop onto facebook my hair falls into my face and starts to annoy me.

“Oak, why did you make me dye my hair back to normal I liked the black and purple,” I whine.

“Because your hair looks really tacky when its got purple streaks and black isn’t too far off of your natural color.”

“Humph but I liked the purple!” I whinge.

“Well you let me dye It back so it is partly your fault besides the school was getting annoyed with it because your not allowed any unnatural colors in your hair,” Oak replied.

“Ok fine I’ll deal.”

“Good and Ivy it looks good, plain,” Mum adds.

“Thanks mum,” I reply looking back to my laptop.

“Oh my gawd Janie got a haircut and died her hair black and put pink streaks through it,” I whisper to Oak and turn the laptop around for her to see she starts to crack up laughing at the hilarious picture of the girl.

“Tell her she looks funny,” Oak says.

“No I’ll tell her she looks like a pink troll. Because if I’m not honest then what am I?” I ask.

“As if your honest,” Oak says.

“Would I ever lie to you?” I ask.

“Um… Is that a trick question?” Oak says.

“Don’t answer a question with another question,” I say.

“Fine, then yes on more than one occasion,” She says.

“Well aren’t you a nice sister,” I say faking sobs.

“I get it from you,” She replies.

“Now, now girls stop bickering,”  Mum says from the front seat.

“Sorry mum,” I say to her.

“Thank you,” She says.

I turn my attention back to the screen and tell Janie she looks like a troll. Then I type that the pink makes her look even fatter. I send it and turn the screen to face oak then nudge her to look, she begins to laugh making sure not to make it too loud otherwise mum will want to see.

“Is so true though,” she whispers to me. “I really don’t mean to be rude but I cant help it I’ve been living with you for way to long.”

“Aren’t you nice are you saying I’m mean?” I challenge her.

“Well not all the time,” She says, “About seventy two percent of the time.” I shake my head at her not bothered to finish our play argument. I tilt my head to the side and lay my head on the door and drift off to sleep.

I manage to get to sleep until the car comes to a strong halt making me bang my head on the chair in front of me and waking me up out of my sleep.

“Girls, wake up were here,” Mum says not realizing that I’m already awake due the terrible cab driver.

I open the door on my side and hear it squeak every two centimeters I push it. I get out and slam it shut making the whole car rattle. I walk up to the gate of the school and wait for Mum and Oak. They soon join me gazing into the school grounds in awe.

“Come on girls we need to go,” She says leading us into the gates and up into the office getting our names marked off. We said our goodbyes and after that Oak and I were on our own.

We walked halfway across the school to get to the dining hall where everybody would be having lunch, and that’s where I find Janie who I immediately go up to. I hear light footsteps behind me which makes me assume Oak is following me making sure I don’t do anything rash.

“Hi pinkie,” I say as soon as I get to her table of A-listers.

“Hi gothy-mc-goth-goth,” She says to me in response I am astounded by her ability to lack any maturity.

“Gothy-mc-goth-goth really?” I say as she looks up to me and as I see her expression change as she looks at my hair, I know she thinks that I am becoming better at socializing.

“Well lookie here goth girl lost her rebel streaks where did they go in your big fat bum?” she giggles at her childish joke.

“Well where’s your natural hair color gone? Down the drain with any common sense you ever had?” I say to her, Getting tapped on the shoulder by Oak, signaling that we have to sit down now.
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Sorry guys we have finally completed the first book and are onto the second please if you read this story and subscribe to it can u comment it would lift our spirits so high and might just gt you more updates *wink wink*

~xoxo Greer