‹ Prequel: Twin Witches I
Status: Updated very...very...slowly (sorry for that) Comment though and we will be more motivated to update! <3

Twin Witches II

Chapter 2

Oak’s POV

I pulled Ivy away from Janie and her hot pink head. “She’s not even worth it,” I told her. We both sat with Edon and Gwen. “Hey guys!”said Gwen. “Hi!”i replied “IVY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR STREAKS?!” squealed Edon. “Calm down, Oak made me dye them out.” Edon shot me a look of fake-fury. “Speaking of hair, Doesn’t Janie’s look horrifying!” mentioned Gwen. I sighed. “Don’t get Ivy fired up again…” “OF COURSE IT’S JUST BAD!” agreed Edon as she pretended to vomit. “That stupid pink troll, she called me a goth, like what the hell’s her problem,” Ivy muttered. “Don’t bother Ivy, she’s just jealous that you have a better group of friends,” stated Edon.

A teacher came to the front and started explaining how things work here for the new kids. We ordered our food and it came almost instantly. I gobbled up my bacon and eggs quickly and it was soon time for the first class of the new year.

I had potions first up with Professor Snipe. Gwen and I walked through the doors. Professor Snipe was writing something on the chalkboard, while we took our seats. “Now class!” she said. Every whisper disappeared the moment she spoke. “We will be making a truth potion! You can keep only a single drop, if you can make it right on the first try. The drop can be used to get somebody to spill three of their darkest and deepest secrets,” she explained. I saw Janie whisper to her friends with a smug look. “Instructions on the board, you may begin!”

After we brewed the potion Professor Snipe looked around. Gwen, who go it right instantly, could keep her small vial. Janie failed miserably and looked very disappointed. As for me, well I did it right, for the first time in all the years I’ve been here. Professor Snipe raised her eyebrow. “You got it right on the first go?” she sneered. “Yes Ma’am.” “Hard to believe,” she scoffed. “Professor Snipe, Oak did do it, I saw her,” Gwen interrupted. “Gwendolyn, you shouldn’t be telling lies just because she is your friend!” Gwen picked up a spoon and dipped it in her pot, full of the mixture. She licked it. Her eyes changed to bright green then back. “Oak made it all by herself, It is the first time she has ever made a potion right on the first go!” she spilled. Her eyes went green again then changed back to normal. “Fine, I believe you, Oak keep the potion.”

The bell had rung after class, Gwen and I met up with Ivy. “What’s that?” she asked as she pointed at Gwen’s potion. “Truth Elixir,” she said. “Oooo,” she said menacingly. I saw a flash of light. I saw a hand pour a vial of the truth potion over some food. I saw Ivy take a spoonful of food, her eyes went green... Then I was back in the normal world. “Oak?!” screamed Gwen. “Sorry… Just saw the future…” I mumbled. “What was it?” asked Ivy. “Nothing…” I lied, trying to believe it wasn’t Ivy who drank the truth potion.

We sat down at the cafeteria. I saw Gwen rolling her potion around the table as she wrote the food she wanted for lunch. “Put that ba-” “Hey Gwen can I borrow that?” Ivy interrupted my warning. “Why…?” “I want to use it!” Ivy took a spoonful of her food. “No!” said Gwen. Her eyes went green, my heart stopped for a second. She didn’t take the potion… “I want to use it on Janie!!” exclaimed Ivy. “Oh yes! This is going to be juicy!!” said Gwen as she handed the potion over. “Well, you better hurry, she’s leaving…” I said. I just heard Janie say “let’s go girls, I need to redo my make-up!”

Ivy ran over to her table and poured the potion on top. She rushed back and watched Janie eat her food. I saw Janie’s eyes turn green for a moment. She instantly got up and rushed over to Gwen. “Omigawd, don’t tell my friends but I totally use them, I don’t like any of them! For reals!” she exclaimed. None of us was surprised. “But I really do miss Oak. I mean she was the best friend I ever had and now she’s gone because of you!” she told Gwen meanly. I rolled my eyes. “Oh and Ivy… Honestly I think she’s really cool, don’t tell her because she totally hates me!! I’m only mean to her because she deserves it even though she is total a rebel! I always regret all those things I say to her, but she has better insults, which hurt so much, so I try not to think about it! I really wish we could become friends but she probably thinks I’m not her style!”Janie confessed to Gwen, like Ivy wasn’t there. Then her eyes flashed green and she was back to normal. “What the hell…” said Ivy. Janie’s face turned into the same shade as her streaks and she just slapped her hands on her mouth and ran.

“What in the world was that?” asked Gwen. “Three of her biggest secrets,” I answered. “Oh and how juicy they are,” laughed Ivy. “And she LIKES you!” exclaimed Gwen. “And I have it all taped!” Ivy said. She pulled a recorder out and played it. I heard Janie’s confessions once more. “My revenge will come from that little troll for calling me gothy-mc-goth-goth…”
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new story!! Hope you dudes enjoy it :)

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