Status: Please don't read and not comment. It would mean a lot to me if we got a few comments.

Tell Me a Lie


“Oi Payne. Stop being so boring! Ever since you started fucking that Danielle chick you haven’t had any time for us boys! Let’s have some fun, yeah?!” Niall complained as Louis threw a balled up piece of paper at Liam’s head, still not getting his full attention. Liam’s face was buried in his phone… texting the very girl that was the cause of the groups leader to become boring.
“Yeah, Li!” Harry agreed, “We miss your slutty ways! I remember when we used to see you with a new girl every day… Can’t we go back to that?”
Liam laughed slightly, he missed his ‘slutty’ ways too. His girlfriend was such a bore. The only reason he was still with her was because the sex was great. He hated listening to her talk about dancing and beauty all the time. Whenever he just couldn’t handle her annoying voice going on about runwalks and catways… or runways and catwalks… (he didn’t really care what they were called) he would just make her go down on him. It was a quite affective way of shutting her up. “Boys you know why I’m with her. I can’t give that up!”
“We thought that would be your answer.” Louis said, looking to Harry.
“That’s why we came up with a… bet.” Harry grinned back at Louis with that grin that meant trouble.
Liam moved closer, he could never say no to a good bet. “What would that be?”
“For a hundred dollars we want you to sleep with a certain someone… if you do it within a month, we will stop bugging you to break up with Danielle as well. If you don’t… well we’ll tell Danielle the exact reason why you’re still dating her.” Louis smiled as he saw Liam’s lips turn up a little.
“I’ll do it.”
Harry and Louis started laughing, “You ready to hear who you have to sleep with?” Harry asked, grinning from ear to ear. Liam was suddenly very nervous to hear, but he nodded anyway. “Malik.”
Liam’s eyes widened. Malik? Malik?! “You want me to get Zayn Malik to sleep with me?” Liam asked, disbelieving that Zayn Malik was the person they wanted him to sleep with.
Louis nodded and grinned then turned to Niall, “Do you think he can do it Horan?”
“Nope, no chance.” He said then laughed, “You ain’t getting that money.”
Liam growled a little. “I can and will get him by the end of the month. You just watch.”