Status: after this is a one direction fan fiction sequel


Stu's song

around 11 pm the party was in full swing. every one was partying to the max. unfortunately some people were here that i didn't want to ever step foot in this house came, hint hint josh. but luckily he came alone, no whore on his hip. i wanted Tyler and Jessica to come but they were on tour with the some bands. so i was kinda bummed out. i sat in my room [ ] later in the night when i twisted my ankle dancing. so i took a beer and popcorn and watched the hangover.i was around the part were Ed Helms was singing 'Stu's song' , when someone started to walk in. Josh's figure appeared in the door way.  i paused my movie and turned on the light so i could see his face. 

"umm wheres the restroom?"he asked very sober. i guess he wasn't a drinker

"3rd door too your left."i said, then he left the door way with my door wide open. when he left i got up and closed the door, turned off my light, and played the movie. but i got interrupted about 5 minutes later. Josh's figure walked in to my room and closed the door behind himself. so i turned on my light & paused the movie.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your movie again" he apologized

"its fine"

"but i was wondering if i could watch it with you?" i asked. the problem was there there was a mess and there was no chairs at the time because i was remolding.

"umm i guess, but there are not chairs in here so if you want to sit going to have to share the bed with me." i say 

"i guess it's fine" he said sitting next to with our backs against the head board of my bed. we watched the movie til' the end sharing the popcorn. just like old times. i miss being best friends with him!

"god! it's 2 am!" he said stressing out. we turned on the light and walk out to the balcony that over looked my living room and front area of the house. Empty! no one was in my house except me and josh. 

"you can spend the night if you want, like old times." i say shy like.

"i guess that would be fun" he said and with that we went down stairs and cleaned up real quick so we could head to bed. when we finished we went back to my room and got ready for bed. he insisted to sleep on the floor, but i said he can sleep in the bed i mean its a king size its big enough for 3 adults so i think its okay! with that said, he got in the right side of my bed and we dosed off in to sleep...