Sequel: My Only One

Remembering Sunday

After Warped

So after me and Jack got back from the walk I gave him my number & i got his picture. After i could finally tear Aria away from Alex we left. On the car ride home Aria was telling me that Alex was coming over tomorrow for a puppy play date. I told her that was fine cause i tomorrow i was gonna go over to watch Home Alone with Jack.

"Finally You are gonna see that movie" Aria said teasing me.

"Shuttup!" I demanded.

"No its cute!" Aria smirked.

"Whatever " i said and rolled my eyes.

We get home and we go inside with the paint. Starving but we shrug it off and start to paint. 12 am rolls in and we stopped painting, finished 8 outta the 10 rooms.

"I'm hungry" I whined.

"Me too" Aria whined back.

We hear a knock on the door.

"Who the hell?" Aria opens it to see the boys.

"We had left over so we decided to bring it to you ladies"Zack said slurring ladies.

"Sorry about Zack. He a little wasted" Rian said slurring all the words and Jack and Alex are chuckling behind them holding the food.

"Are any of you sober?" I asked and see Alex hand go up and Jack's hand goes up after.

"Thanks Guys" Aria said and we take the food.

"Let us take Rian and Zack back home and we'll be back" Jack said taking Rian and Zack home Alex following. We closed the door after they leave.

"Thats sweet of them" I said.

"Yeah," Aria agreeing, "Where do we eat?

"Kitchen?" I asked and we walked to the kitchen grabbing paper plates and plastic silverwere. I looked at the food

"KFC?" i asked kinda grossed out.

"Apparently" Aria said.

We started putting food on our plate and eats a little bit and hears a knock on the door and we answer it and sees Alex's face.

"Hey ladies" he said kissing both our cheeks and walks in with Jack following in carrying beer.

"Oooooo Beer" Aria said and i shoked my head.

The boys walked to the kitchen and puts the beer on the counter.

"So when are you ladies getting furniture?" Jack asked.

"Tomorrow hopefully" I looked at the clock. 12:32 am.

"Today." Aria corrected me and i nodded.

"Ooooh, Well if you need muscles you know were to find us" Alex joked.

"Nah we are muscular." I said and Aria nodded in agreement.

"No Chicken?" jack said looking at my plates then looking at like i was a disgrace.

"No GOSH! Chicken is gross!!!!" I said cringing my nose.

"Ah I see!" Jack said and smiled, "Can we look around to let you ladies eat in peace?"

I looked at Aria and she shrugged "Sure!" They walk off to look around and Me and Aria eat.


"Holy Hell!"Jack said looking at the living at the huge poster of them.

"Holy Shit!" Alex said quietly, "Theses chicks are hard core hustlers"

"Yeah!" Jack agreeing starting to make his way upstairs and sees Aria's room "Alex?" he whined.

Alex rushed up the stairs and sees Aria's room. "Holy Fuck its!" Alex said smirking. Jack nods. "We should see Destery's room!"

"I don't want to!" Jack whined but Alex had already walked in my room and smiled.

"Jack it's not that bad" Alex said.

Jack walked in looking at the collage of pictures of him and the Zelda posters and the poster from Warped Tour i made yesterday. "Damn You're Right!"

"Look!" Alex said putting on my sunglasses that still said "JAGK's GIRL"

Jack laughed. "Awh!" Jack said smiling and leaves and goes down the stair and into the kitchen with Alex following behind after taking off my sunglasses. Me and Aria watched them walk in and we we're giggling.

"What?" Jack said confused.

"Nooooooothing" we said at the same time.

"Okay?" he said still confused.

"Uh your rooms are amazing" Alex said smiling at Aria.

"Oh My gosh! I'm so embarrassed!" Aria said covering her face"

"Don't's cute" He said smiling and walks over to her and kisses her head.

"Yeah they are" Jack said smirking.

"Oh my gosh, the collage. You saw the collage didn't you?" I asked?

"Yeah I did. I was flattering." Jack said smiling.

I chuckled nervously.

Now its 3 am before they left. I think Alex and Jack left at least. We are drunk in case you are wondering.
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Note: The 4th chapter wont be up till Jan 4th maybe 5th. I can try to get it up on the 23rd!

Aria and Alex were talking not making out xP.