
e m p t i n e s s

Empty apartment. Empty cupboards. Empty bed. Empty girl in the shower, washing her hair and thinking empty thoughts while she cries empty tears from empty promises. Empty living room while she changes for work. Empty car, empty ride, empty music on the old CD she burned three months ago. Empty promises about texting her later. Empty promises about spending time together alone.

Empty girl on the bed, watching empty television shows and watching her not empty boyfriend play a game with his not empty friend. When the room is empty except for the two of them, she’s too empty to tell him how empty she is. They lay down and he holds her and falls asleep. While she lays there, feeling empty but safe for a little while, she pretends he’s saying all the things she’s imagined the perfect boy would say.

Later she walks down an empty sidewalk to her empty apartment and climbs into her empty bed and cries empty tears about her empty checking account. She has empty dreams and wakes up in the morning to start another empty day filled with more of the same. Empty food boxes and empty pill bottles. There’s no gun to consider, but if there were it would be empty, too.

Just keep going. Empty footsteps chasing empty promises of empty dreams. One day she’ll be too empty to wake up. She won’t see it, but on that day the sunset will be a little emptier. At least her stomach will feel full when she’s dead.