Where Dreams Come True.


I breathe deeply, feeling my stomach start to knot as Danny, my older sister finishes the last of my hair, letting the last curl fall down my back before she gets the flower from the stand in front of me, pinning it behind my ear.
“You look so beautiful Vannah, Momma and Daddy would be so proud” Danny whispers in my ear, tilting me so I could see my crystal blue gaze in the mirror as she presses her face beside mine, her face beaming with pride.
“I’m so nervous” I whisper to her, and she chuckles as I fiddle with my ratty t-shirt, my gaze flicking across her face, admiring her light make up, making her forest green eyes pop.
“You shouldn’t be Vannah, this is all your dreams coming true” She tells me softly, petting my ebony hair down as she presses a soft kiss to my forehead.

Danny had practically raised me since I was four, she’d been a mother, a sister, but most of all she was my best friend, she’d encouraged all of my dreams, pulled me from my messed up chances, held me together when we became orphans and she convinced me to go for the best thing in my life.

“Matt’s going to want to ravish you in front of Mickey Mouse” Danny teases me, making me giggle loudly as I bite my lip, grinning up to her.
“That sounds like a pretty good idea” I joke back, wiggling my eyebrows and her face scrunches up in disgust.
“Ewwwwwwwww” She exclaims leaning against me as we cackle loudly, my nerves dripping away as we lean against each other, “Keep your kinky fantasies like that to yourself!” She jokes to me, making me giggle again as I stare at us in the mirror, my face glowing as I sigh contently.
“Who would have thought I’d be getting married at twenty five” I question my sister, turning to see her face, a joyful grin on my face.

“I always knew you’d marry Matt, since you were eight and we were thirteen and you trailed after us” Danny teases me, giggling at the memory of me trailing after her, Matt, Jimmy and Brian constantly, “I was so happy when he finally grew a pair and asked you out” she tells me softly and I smile, memories floating through my head.
“I think that’s my favorite memory ever” I tell Danny softly as she squeezes my shoulder, encouraging me to tell it to her, even though I’d told her it so many times before, “Tell me” She says softly, encouraging me further.
“I’ve told you a million times, aren’t you bored of it yet?” I question her, looking into her green eyes she’d inherited from our father as she smiles down to me, shaking her blonde hair from side to side.
“I could never get bored of it” She tells me softly, pulling a chair over to me to have a seat beside me.

I wipe my eyes, hating the fact that he’d promised me he was different, yet he was exactly the same as every other man had been, rude, ignorant and only after one thing, sex.
I sniffle also hating the fact that I didn’t even like him, but he had grown on me, he had become a friend in the short time I knew him and he just wanted me for sex, that’s what sucked.
“This sucks” I mutter softly, wiping my eyes again as sniffle loudly.
“It does” a voice agrees from behind me and I jump, startled as I turn, seeing Matt in the doorway of my room, “A pretty girl shouldn’t be crying” Matt tells me softly as he stares at me and I wipe my face again, trying to get rid of all of my tears.
“It’s a good thing a pretty girl isn’t here then, isn’t it?” I reply back, sniffling again as I take a seat on the floor, looking down to my lap.

Seconds pass, and I feel the heat of a body sitting next to me, making my eyes flick up to see Matt, cross legged sitting beside me.
“Do I have to beat someone up?” Matt questions me softly, raising his large hand softly and wiping the tears on my face.
“I guess I just lost a friend, that’s all” I mutter softly, leaning into his soothing touch as I shuffle closer to him.
“Weren’t you on a date?” Matt questions me, and I chuckle nodding my head as I open my blue eyes looking into his hazel ones.
“Yep, it sucked majorly. I thought we could be friends, turns out he was a wanker and just wanted a lay” I mutter to him and he stares at me his hazel gold eyes holding an emotion I hadn’t seen from him before.

“I want to try something” He tells me softly, his hand cupping my face as my heart starts to beat erratically, this had to be a dream.
“You deserve so much better Vannah” Matt whispers to me before he places his smooth lips against mine, letting electricity flow through my body as he tangles his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body.
He pulls back seconds later, as I wrap my arms around his neck while he leans his forehead against mine.
“I think you should take me on a date Sanders” I mutter to him, my heart pounding in my chest as I stare into Matt’s golden eyes, a happy feeling filling my gut.

“God bless Matt” Danny mutters, chuckling softly as she pulls me from my seat, waving my older cousin into the room.
“You ready to get dressed kiddo?” Shelly, my older cousin and Brian’s fiancé questions me, and I nod my head, breathing out heavily as I look over my white gown.
“This is really it” I whisper out and the girls grin at me, nodding their heads.
“This is really it little bit” Danny tells me softly, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wedding dress

May be bad, but idk, I like this better than the other one I wrote :3