Status: Completed.

The Jump

Chapter 2: The Chance

The day started quite normal, I even thought about how long I would spend staring at her. Then an welcomed surprise.
The geography teacher wanted us to pair up and work together on a presentation. The class immediately started chatting, and as soon as it was given the all clear, hordes of 15 year old swarmed the room, paring up with their friends.
I sat in my seat and wanting to be left alone and to work alone, but secretly hoping that I could be paired up with Clare, and as if someone had herd my prayer, I was partned with Corey and his partner Clare.
The Feeling of excitement that ran through me was like nothing I have ever experienced before. I pulled up my seat and sat down, knowing clearly that this was my chance to befriend the girl I liked.
We was given two weeks to finish our presentation, what it was about I cant remember, but I got to know Clare very well. Becoming her friend only intensified the feelings I had for her. What was odd was the days that followed, in myself my confidence grew and I even started to socialise more!
But as the days became weeks and the project began to come to a close, me and Clare became even closer. I was even invited to her Cousins birthday party as a guest.
This unfortunately was not UN-noticed, our partner in the project quickly picked up on the closeness of friendship and began saying things like " You two should date" and " you go well together". We both denied having any feelings for one another, but he still persisted and as rain falls down a window, other people two began to notice, one of them was Clare's best friend Elizabeth. She began to ask some strange questions about me and if I liked anyone.
I tried not to give away that I liked Clare, but I also tried not to deny it either.
After the presentation, I expected things to drift apart and return to normal. Which was okay, but in truth I wanted to spend more time with her. And again as if someone header me, life decided to though me another bone.