Status: Completed.

The Jump

Chapter 4: The Jump

The day soon dawned and I was little more prepared then the day before. Every part of my soul knew I had to decide what to do next, but I also knew I would only do what I felt if I was sure.
Now I wont bore you with the details of the trip, but I will tell you the two parts that lead me to the moment that I had to decide apron.
First things first, about half way through the trip there was a fight. A common ruff-up, between two people not even remotely related to me. Until they brought Clare into the mix. A girl began to shout at Clare, using all sorts of insults. Clare could not retaliate, she was stuck in the corner and was about to break. I saw this, and it burned, from the deepest parts of my heart it burned, and from that it ignited something of legend.
Nothing would stop me, I had in my sights my enemy and the person I needed to defend. I let out an almighty cry, as I defended the girl I lob- I mean liked...
But yes, on with the story, I defended Clare with everything in my heart and soul, and doing so nearly letting out to the world that I liked her. I refused to let anyone hurt her and stood my ground until they all backed off. it took the teacher to final disperse the crowed that gated around us.
With my heart bleeding and my soul drained, I helped Clare up and took her to the place where everyone else was.
The trip was over quicker than expected, due to the fact the air was polluted with Anger and Sadness, and no one had any more energy to move. And with that the teacher decide that it was best that we made our way home.
We all pushed our way onto the coach, collapsing in any open seat closes to us. Me and Clare where the last to get on and placed right at the back, secluded from everyone else. As the wheels started moving and the motion of the coach set in, people with their drained spurts began to descend into a calming sleep, other than me and Clare.
We spent hours talking about anything we could think of. Cars, games, instruments, bands, chocolate and even if we was thinking of gone to university and collage.
But soon enough like everyone else, she began to drift into the calming sleep, I watched as the angel slowly sloped into her own paradise where anything was possible, then I watched as her head slowly fell agents my arm. My heart cried out something of beauty but chose to stay silent. And then before the angel departed into her paradise I her the faint whisper... " Thank you" and then she was gone, into her dreams.
And as she did, so did I. Or so I thought, before I could enter my paradise, we was all awoken by the screeching of the tires, we was home.
We all lifted our heads and graded ourselves out from the coach. No one knowing the raging war that was going on in my head, A battle ground of thoughts where only one would stand victorious.
After we all stumbled out from the coach, the teach began a lecture about how the day went, seeing the drained faces and the moans, he quickly stooped and dismissed us all.
I sighed to myself and began to walk home, only to be stooped by the cry of my name. It was Clare, I quickly turned around to see what she needed.
She came close and smiled and began to whisper again what she said on the Coach. And that when I knew, this was the moment, this was the moment when I decided if I was to jump.